.jpg)
1.
Her
almond-shaped
eyes
were
framed
by
long
lashes
that
fluttered
whenever
she
smiled.
【眼睛长得像杏仁一般,长长的睫毛在她微笑的时候不停地颤动。
】
2.
He
had
a
chiseled
jawline
and
a
dimpled
smile
that
made
her
heart
skip
a
beat.
【他的下颌线条分明,微笑时露出来的酒窝让她的心跳加速。
】
3.
Her
skin
was
as
smooth
as
silk,
with
a
natural
rosy
hue
that
made
her
look
perpetually
flushed.
【她的皮肤柔滑如丝,自然的粉红色泽让她看起来一直很脸红。
】
4.
His
hair
was
a
wild
mess
of
curls
that
somehow
managed
to
look
stylish
and
sophisticated.
【他的卷发像一团野草,但奇妙地显得时尚而有品位。
】
5.
She
had
a
delicate
nose
that
tilted
ever
so
slightly
upwards,
giving
her
face
an
impish
quality.
【她有一只精致的鼻子,稍微朝上微微翘起,给她的脸增添了顽皮的色彩。
】
6.
He
had
striking
blue
eyes
that
seemed
to
change
color
depending
on
the
light.
【他有一双惊人的蓝色眼睛,看起来根据光线的不同而变色。
】
7.
Her
lips
were
full
and
pouty,
with
a
natural
pinkness
that
made
them
appear
irresistibly
kissable.
【她的嘴唇饱满而丰满,自然的粉色让人忍不住想亲吻它们。
】
8.
He
had
a
lean,
athletic
build
that
suggested
he
spent
a
lot
of
time
at
the
gym.
【他身材匀称,身体有力,似乎经常在健身房锻炼。
】
9.
Her
complexion
was
flawless,
with
no
blemishes
or
imperfections
to
mar
its
perfection.
【她的肤色无瑕疵,没有任何瑕疵或缺陷,完美无瑕。
】
10.
He
had
a
well-defined
brow
that
gave
his
face
a
serious,
brooding
quality.
【他的眉毛轮廓分明,给他的脸增添了一种严肃、忧虑的质感。
】
11.
Her
hair
was
a
glossy
cascade
of
chestnut
locks
that
fell
in
loose
waves
around
her
shoulders.
【她的头发是一团锃亮的栗色长发,散着松松的卷发垂在肩上。
】
12.
He
had
sharp,
angular
features
that
gave
him
a
look
of
intensity
and
focus.
【他的面部轮廓尖锐、棱角分明,让他看起来充满了强烈的紧张感和专注力。
】
13.
Her
eyes
were
the
color
of
melted
chocolate,
deep
and
mysterious,
with
an
alluring
shimmer
that
made
it
impossible
to
look
away.
【她的眼睛颜色像融化的巧克力一样,深沉而神秘,闪烁着令人难以抗拒的诱惑力。
】
14.
He
had
a
rugged,
masculine
jawline
that
gave
his
face
a
sense
of
power
and
authority.
【他的下巴线条粗犷有力,让他的脸显得充满了力量和权威。
】
15.
Her
skin
was
like
ivory,
with
a
delicate
translucence
that
made
it
seem
almost
ethereal.
【她的皮肤像象牙一样,带着一种精致的透明感,看起来几乎是超凡脱俗的。
】
16.
He
had
a
boyish
charm,
with
a
mischievous
twinkle
in
his
eye
that
hinted
at
a
hidden
sense
of
humor.
【他有一种少年般的魅力,眼里闪烁着一股顽皮的光芒,暗示着一种隐藏的幽默感。
】
17.
Her
lips
were
a
perfect
cupid's
bow,
with
a
fullness
and
shape
that
seemed
almost
sculpted.
【她的嘴唇像完美的丘比特弓,丰满而有形,看起来几乎是被雕刻出来的。
】
18.
He
had
piercing
green
eyes
that
seemed
to
see
right
through
you,
with
a
depth
and
intensity
that
was
almost
unnerving.
【他有一双炯炯有神的绿色眼睛,似乎看穿了你的内心,深邃而有力,几乎令人不安。
】
19.
Her
hair
was
a
riot
of
colors,
with
streaks
of
blue
and
pink
intermingling
with
the
dark
tresses.
【她的头发颜色五彩缤纷,蓝色和粉色的条纹和深色的秀发相互交织。
】
20.
He
had
a
warm,
open
smile
that
instantly
made
you
feel
at
ease,
with
a
genuine
charm
that
was
impossible
to
resist.
【他的笑容温暖而自然,让你立刻感到放松,带着一种真正的魅力,让人无法抵挡。
】