.jpg)
1.
"The
beauty
of
language
is
not
just
in
the
words
we
choose
but
in
how
they
come
together,
like
notes
in
a
symphony.
"
【美丽的语言不仅在于我们选择的词语,还在于它们如何结合,就像交响乐中的音符一样。
】
2.
"Words
have
the
power
to
paint
pictures,
conjure
emotions,
and
create
worlds
we've
never
imagined.
"
【单词具有描绘画面,召唤情感和创造我们从未想象过的世界的力量。
】
3.
"A
good
sentence
is
like
a
well-crafted
piece
of
jewelry,
each
word
holding
its
own
unique
sparkle.
"
【一句好句子就像一件精心制作的珠宝,每个单词都有自己独特的闪耀。
】
4.
"Language
is
a
tapestry,
each
word
a
thread
carefully
woven
to
create
a
beautiful
picture.
"
【语言就像一块织锦,每个单词都是谨慎编织的一根线,创造出美丽的画面。
】
5.
"A
well-written
sentence
can
take
us
on
a
journey
through
time
and
space,
leaving
us
breathless
and
inspired.
"
【一句好的句子可以带我们穿越时空之旅,令我们屏息凝神,备受启发。
】
6.
"The
true
beauty
of
language
lies
in
its
ability
to
express
the
deepest
thoughts
and
emotions
of
the
human
soul.
"
【语言的真正美在于它表达了人类灵魂最深沉的思想和情感的能力。
】
7.
"A
writer's
words
are
like
a
painter's
brushstrokes,
each
one
adding
depth
and
meaning
to
the
canvas
of
life.
"
【作家的文字就像画家的笔触,每个笔画都为生命之画布增添了深度和意义。
】
8.
"Language
is
a
precious
gift,
a
tool
to
connect
us
to
the
world
and
to
each
other.
"
【语言是一份珍贵的礼物,一个将我们与世界连接在一起的工具。
】
9.
"The
beauty
of
language
is
not
just
in
what
we
say,
but
in
how
we
say
it,
the
rhythm
and
flow
of
our
words.
"
【美丽的语言不仅在于我们说什么,还在于我们说话的方式、单词的韵律和流畅的程度。
】
10.
"Words
have
the
power
to
heal,
to
inspire,
and
to
transform
our
world,
one
sentence
at
a
time.
"
【单词有治愈、启发和改变我们世界的力量,每次一句话。
】
11.
"Language
is
the
bridge
that
connects
us
to
the
hearts
and
minds
of
others,
crossing
all
boundaries
of
culture
and
nationality.
"
【语言是连接我们与他人的心灵和思想的桥梁,跨越所有文化和国籍的界限。
】
12.
"A
writer's
words
can
live
beyond
their
time,
inspiring
generations
to
come
and
shaping
the
world
in
which
we
live.
"
【作家的话语可以超越他们的时代,激励后代并塑造我们生活的世界。
】
13.
"The
beauty
of
language
is
in
its
ability
to
evoke
emotion,
to
make
us
feel
alive
and
connected
to
the
world
around
us.
"
【语言之美在于它能够唤起情感,让我们感受到活力,并与周围的世界联系起来。
】
14.
"A
good
sentence
is
like
a
puzzle,
its
words
fit
together
perfectly
to
create
a
complete
picture.
"
【一句好的话就像一道拼图,它的单词完美地结合在一起,创造出一个完整的画面。
】
15.
"Language
is
a
window
into
the
soul,
revealing
our
deepest
thoughts
and
feelings
in
ways
we
never
thought
possible.
"
【语言是灵魂的窗口,在我们从未想可能的方式下揭示我们最深的思想和感情。
】
16.
"A
well-written
sentence
is
like
a
song,
its
words
harmonizing
to
create
a
beautiful
melody.
"
【一句写得好的话就像一首歌,它的词汇和谐地组成了美丽的旋律。
】
17.
"Language
is
the
tool
we
use
to
create,
to
imagine,
and
to
dream,
bringing
our
ideas
to
life.
"
【语言是我们用来创造、想象和梦想的工具,将我们的想法变为现实。
】
18.
"A
writer's
words
are
like
a
seed,
planting
ideas
in
the
minds
of
others
and
helping
them
grow.
"
【作家的话语就像种子,把思想种在他人的心中,并帮助它们生长。
】
19.
"The
beauty
of
language
is
in
its
ability
to
transport
us
to
new
worlds,
to
broaden
our
horizons
and
expand
our
minds.
"
【语言之美在于它能够把我们带到新的世界,拓展我们的视野,开阔我们的思想。
】
20.
"Words
can
break
our
hearts,
heal
our
wounds,
and
change
our
lives
forever,
a
testament
to
the
power
of
language.
"
【单词可以撕碎我们的心,治愈我们的创伤,并永远改变我们的生活,这是语言力量的证明。
】