.jpg)
1.
"There
is
no
greater
agony
than
bearing
an
untold
story
inside
you.
"
-
Maya
Angelou】
2.
"People
cry,
not
because
they're
weak.
It's
because
they've
been
strong
for
too
long.
"
-
Johnny
Depp】
3.
"The
deeper
the
sorrow
carves
into
your
being,
the
more
joy
you
can
contain.
"
-
Kahlil
Gibran】
4.
"Pain
is
inevitable.
Suffering
is
optional.
"
-
Haruki
Murakami】
5.
"It
hurts
to
let
go,
but
sometimes
it
hurts
more
to
hold
on.
"
-
Unknown】
6.
"The
only
way
to
deal
with
fear
is
to
face
it
head
on.
"
-
Unknown】
7.
"Don't
let
yesterday
take
up
too
much
of
today.
"
-
Will
Rogers】
8.
"When
you
come
out
of
the
storm,
you
won't
be
the
same
person
who
walked
in.
"
-
Haruki
Murakami】
9.
"The
only
way
out
is
through.
"
-
Robert
Frost】
10.
"The
wound
is
the
place
where
the
light
enters
you.
"
-
Rumi】
11.
"Sadness
flies
away
on
the
wings
of
time.
"
-
Jean
de
La
Fontaine】
12.
"Some
people
are
going
to
leave,
but
that's
not
the
end
of
your
story.
"
-
T.
D.
Jakes】
13.
"Suffering
becomes
beautiful
when
anyone
bears
great
calamities
with
cheerfulness,
not
through
insensibility
but
through
greatness
of
mind.
"
-
Aristotle】
14.
"The
sun
himself
is
weak
when
he
first
rises,
and
gathers
strength
and
courage
as
the
day
gets
on.
"
-
Charles
Dickens】
15.
"Every
moment
is
a
fresh
beginning.
"
-
T.
S.
Eliot】
16.
"Hope
is
the
thing
with
feathers
that
perches
in
the
soul,
and
sings
the
tune
without
the
words,
and
never
stops
at
all.
"
-
Emily
Dickinson】
17.
"The
world
breaks
everyone,
and
afterward,
some
are
strong
at
the
broken
places.
"
-
Ernest
Hemingway】
18.
"Sorrow
is
so
easy
to
express
and
yet
so
hard
to
tell.
"
-
Joni
Mitchell】
19.
"There
are
moments
when
wish
could
roll
back
the
clock
and
take
all
the
sadness
away,
but
have
the
feeling
that
if
did,
the
joy
would
be
gone
as
well.
"
-
Nicholas
Sparks】
20.
"When
one
door
of
happiness
closes,
another
opens;
but
often
we
look
so
long
at
the
closed
door
that
we
do
not
see
the
one
which
has
been
opened
for
us.
"
-
Helen
Keller】