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1.
爱情既是美好的,也是残酷的,辜负了就是一种伤害。
【Love
is
both
beautiful
and
cruel.
Betraying
it
is
a
kind
of
harm.
】
2.
没有谁离开了谁就不能好好生活,只不过人们依赖爱情太多。
【No
one
cannot
live
well
without
someone
else.
It's
just
that
people
rely
too
much
on
love.
】
3.
伤害别人就是伤害自己的灵魂,不要辜负那些爱你的人。
【Hurting
others
is
hurting
your
own
soul.
Don't
betray
those
who
love
you.
】
4.
世间最残忍的事,莫过于辜负了依赖你的人。
【The
cruelest
thing
in
the
world
is
to
betray
someone
who
depends
on
you.
】
5.
爱情是一种承诺,辜负了就是一种欺骗。
【Love
is
a
promise.
Betraying
it
is
a
deception.
】
6.
有些事,错过了就再也找不回来,那就不要辜负它。
【Some
things
can't
be
found
again
once
they're
missed.
Don't
betray
them.
】
7.
辜负了别人的爱,就是自己之前的一场奢侈消费,最终还是要被追还。
【Betraying
someone's
love
is
a
luxury
consumption
before,
eventually
it
will
be
repaid.
】
8.
爱一个人要付出很多,如果你不想承担,至少不要辜负。
【Loving
someone
requires
a
lot
of
effort.
If
you
don't
want
to
bear
it,
at
least
don't
betray
it.
】
9.
不要辜负自己的爱情,因为你爱的人可能不会再爱你。
【Don't
betray
your
own
love,
because
the
person
you
love
may
never
love
you
again.
】
10.
爱情是需要珍视的,辜负了只会留下遗憾和后悔。
【Love
needs
to
be
cherished.
Betraying
it
will
only
leave
regrets
and
remorse.
】
11.
爱情是一场美丽的旅程,辜负了就只能够孤独地结束这场旅程。
【Love
is
a
beautiful
journey.
Betraying
it
can
only
end
the
journey
alone.
】
12.
辜负了别人的爱,就如同辜负了自己的心。
【Betraying
someone's
love
is
like
betraying
your
own
heart.
】
13.
不要辜负那些默默付出的人,因为他们付出的是他们的一生。
【Don't
betray
those
who
silently
give
their
all,
because
they
are
giving
their
entire
life.
】
14.
爱情是不可逆转的,如果辜负了,再想要挽回已经来不及了。
【Love
is
irreversible.
If
you
betray
it,
it's
too
late
to
try
to
save
it.
】
15.
没有谁的爱会永远存在,辜负了就意味着它的终结。
【No
one's
love
will
always
exist.
Betraying
it
means
its
end.
】
16.
爱情是一份责任,辜负了就是背负了一生的罪。
【Love
is
a
responsibility.
Betraying
it
is
carrying
a
lifelong
guilt.
】
17.
辜负了别人的爱是非常自私的行为,因为它伤害了对方的心。
【Betraying
someone's
love
is
a
very
selfish
act,
because
it
hurts
the
other
person's
heart.
】
18.
爱情是生命中最珍贵的礼物,辜负了就是对它最大的亵渎。
【Love
is
the
most
precious
gift
in
life.
Betraying
it
is
the
biggest
blasphemy
against
it.
】
19.
爱情是需要维护的,辜负了就是让它走向了毁灭。
【Love
needs
to
be
maintained.
Betraying
it
leads
it
to
destruction.
】
20.
不要辜负那些曾经对你好的人,因为他们曾经是你生命中的光。
【Don't
betray
those
who
have
been
good
to
you,
because
they
were
once
light
in
your
life.
】