1.
"I
always
double
check
the
expiration
dates
on
my
groceries,
just
to
make
sure
I'm
not
eating
anything
spoiled.
"
【细节决定成败】
2.
"I
plan
out
my
outfits
for
the
week
on
Sunday
nights,
complete
with
accessories
and
shoes.
"
【穿着得体,事半功倍】
3.
"Before
leave
the
house,
do
a
thorough
check
to
make
sure
all
the
appliances
are
off
and
the
doors
are
locked.
"
【细心一点,安全一点】
4.
"I
keep
a
detailed
calendar
to
track
appointments,
deadlines,
and
important
events.
"
【计划好自己的时间,事半功倍】
5.
"When
buy
a
new
electronic
device,
read
the
entire
instruction
manual
before
using
it.
"
【认真阅读说明书,防止出错】
6.
"I
always
carry
a
reusable
water
bottle
with
me
to
stay
hydrated
throughout
the
day.
"
【放松一点,多喝水】
7.
"I
make
a
grocery
list
before
every
shopping
trip
to
avoid
forgetting
anything.
"
【做好准备,轻松一点】
8.
"I
check
the
weather
forecast
every
morning
so
can
dress
appropriately
for
the
day.
"
【穿衣有度,尊重天气】
9.
"I
keep
a
journal
to
record
my
thoughts
and
feelings,
and
to
reflect
on
my
personal
growth.
"
【倾听内心,成长为人】
10.
"I
clean
my
phone
and
laptop
screens
regularly
to
avoid
smudges
and
bacteria
buildup.
"
【保持清洁,健康第一】
11.
"I
always
pack
my
gym
clothes
the
night
before
so
I'm
ready
for
an
early
morning
workout.
"
【运动健康,活力无限】
12.
"I
read
the
nutrition
labels
on
packaged
foods
to
make
informed
choices
about
what
eat.
"
【了解食物,掌握健康】
13.
"I
take
time
to
research
the
best
deals
and
sales
before
making
a
big
purchase.
"
【慎重购物,合理消费】
14.
"I
keep
a
to-do
list
with
specific
tasks
and
deadlines
to
stay
organized
and
on
track.
"
【提高效率,时间充裕】
15.
"I
set
aside
time
each
day
for
self-care,
whether
it's
meditation,
yoga,
or
a
warm
bath.
"
【关爱自己,健康生活】
16.
"I
label
my
spices
and
condiments
in
alphabetical
order
to
save
time
when
cooking.
"
【整理好空间,方便日常】
17.
"I
always
use
a
coaster
to
avoid
damaging
my
furniture.
"
【爱护家具,微笑生活】
18.
"I
keep
a
spare
change
of
clothes
in
my
car
in
case
of
emergency.
"
【安全第一,预防事故】
19.
"I
make
a
point
to
read
the
ingredient
list
on
all
cleaning
products
before
using
them
in
my
home.
"
【选择安全,健康一生】
20.
"I
check
the
tire
pressure
on
my
car
regularly
to
ensure
a
safe
and
smooth
ride.
"
【安全行车,从小事做起】