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1.
Time
goes
by
like
water
flowing
in
a
river,
sometimes
gentle,
sometimes
turbulent.
【时间如流水一般流逝,有时温柔,有时汹涌。
】
2.
Every
moment
we
cherish
is
a
pearl
on
the
string
of
our
life.
【我们珍惜的每一刻都是生命珍珠链上的一颗明珠。
】
3.
Time
is
a
thief
that
never
sleeps,
stealing
away
our
youth
and
beauty.
【时间是一个永不休息的小偷,窃走了我们的青春和美丽。
】
4.
Time
is
fleeting,
but
memories
are
everlasting.
【时间虽短暂,回忆却永恒。
】
5.
In
the
end,
the
only
thing
that
truly
matters
is
how
we
spent
our
time.
【最终,唯一真正重要的是我们如何度过时间。
】
6.
Lost
time
is
never
found
again;
make
the
most
of
life
while
you
can.
【失去的时间永远无法找回;把握现在的生命。
】
7.
Time
is
like
a
butterfly,
if
you
chase
it,
it
will
fly
away,
but
if
you
let
it
be,
it
will
come
to
you.
【时间就像蝴蝶,如果你追逐它,它会飞走,但如果你放手,它会飞到你身边。
】
8.
Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
it
also
has
the
power
to
create
them.
【时间可以治愈一切创伤,但也有创造伤痛的力量。
】
9.
Life
is
short,
but
art
is
long.
Time
may
take
away
everything,
but
not
the
enriching
experiences
we
have
gained.
【生命短暂,但艺术长存。
时间可能带走一切,但不能剥夺我们所获得的丰富经历。
】
10.
Time
is
what
we
want
most,
but
what
we
use
worst.
【时间是我们最想要的,但我们最浪费的东西。
】
11.
The
present
is
filled
with
opportunity;
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
【当下充满机会;把握每分每秒。
】
12.
Time
is
a
precious
gift,
use
it
wisely
and
make
it
count.
【时间是一个宝贵的礼物,明智地利用它,使它有价值。
】
13.
The
beauty
of
time
lies
in
its
ability
to
renew
itself
every
day.
【时间之美在于它每天都能重生。
】
14.
Time
is
the
ultimate
currency;
spend
it
wisely.
【时间是最终的货币;明智地使用它。
】
15.
Time
is
a
window
through
which
we
can
see
the
past,
present,
and
future.
【时间是一个窗口,通过它我们可以看到过去、现在和未来。
】
16.
Time
is
like
a
ship
traveling
through
the
ocean
of
life,
with
each
moment
taking
us
further
on
our
journey.
【时间就像一艘船在人生的大海中行驶,每一刻都带我们前进。
】
17.
Every
day
offers
new
opportunities;
seize
them
and
make
the
most
of
your
time.
【每天都提供新的机会;抓住它们,充分利用你的时间。
】
18.
Time
teaches
us
the
value
of
what
we
have,
and
also
the
importance
of
what
we
have
lost.
【时间教给我们我们拥有的价值,也教给我们失去的重要性。
】
19.
Time
is
a
river
that
never
stops
flowing,
a
journey
that
never
ends.
【时间是一条永不停歇的河流,一段永不结束的旅程。
】
20.
The
most
beautiful
moments
in
life
are
often
those
we
spend
wisely
with
the
ones
we
love.
【生命中最美好的时刻往往是我们明智地和我们所爱的人在一起的时刻。
】