.jpg)
1.
When
you
lose
sight
of
your
initial
purpose,
your
heart
loses
its
passion.
【初心不再,热情难存】
2.
Reconnecting
with
your
first
love
can
reignite
your
soul
and
remind
you
of
your
true
purpose.
【重新找回初恋,唤醒灵魂,找回自己的目的】
3.
It's
easy
to
get
caught
up
in
the
distractions
of
life
and
forget
why
you
started
in
the
first
place.
【陷入生活琐事,忘了初衷】
4.
Don't
let
the
hardships
of
the
journey
make
you
lose
sight
of
the
beauty
of
the
destination.
【不要被旅途的坎坷所吓倒,迷失了美丽的终点】
5.
When
you're
feeling
lost,
always
go
back
to
where
you
first
started.
【当你迷失了方向,回到最初的起点】
6.
Your
initial
spark
of
inspiration
is
what
fuels
your
ultimate
success.
Hold
onto
it
tightly.
【灵感的火花点燃成功的熊熊烈火,一定要紧密把握】
7.
Remember
that
every
setback
is
an
opportunity
to
reevaluate
your
priorities
and
rediscover
your
passion.
【每个挫折都是重新审视自己的机会,重新找回激情的源泉】
8.
Sometimes,
it's
the
detours
in
life
that
lead
you
back
to
your
true
purpose.
【有时候,人生的偏差方向恰恰能让你重新回到真正的目的地】
9.
Your
initial
motivation
may
fade
with
time,
but
it's
up
to
you
to
keep
it
alive
and
thriving.
【初衷可能会随时间消逝,但保持它长久的存在,你就会充盈生命的意义】
10.
Don't
be
afraid
to
take
a
step
back
and
reassess
if
what
you're
pursuing
truly
aligns
with
your
initial
values
and
desires.
【勇敢地放慢脚步,重新审视自己所追求的价值和渴望】
11.
Returning
to
your
roots
can
be
revitalizing,
both
personally
and
professionally.
【回到你的根本处,不仅可以在个人方面有所恢复,也有助于职业上的翻身】
12.
Remembering
why
you
started
can
give
you
the
energy
you
need
to
keep
moving
forward.
【记得为什么开始,让你不断前进的动力源泉】
13.
Your
initial
spark
may
have
been
small,
but
with
dedication
and
hard
work,
it
can
grow
into
a
raging
fire
of
success.
【初气或许不起眼,但坚定努力会将它烧成万状之火,点燃人生的辉煌】
14.
successful
journey
always
starts
with
a
clear
and
focused
sense
of
direction.
【成功的旅程必然是始于清晰和专注的方向指引】
15.
When
you're
feeling
hopeless
and
lost,
it's
important
to
remember
the
passion
that
sparked
your
journey
in
the
first
place.
【无助和困惑时,记得处始于激情,唤醒你的内心火花】
16.
The
most
fulfilling
success
stories
are
those
that
remain
true
to
their
initial
purpose
and
values.
【最让人充实的故事就是始终秉承初心和价值观的成功故事】
17.
Your
initial
purpose
may
have
been
obscured
by
the
distractions
of
life,
but
it's
never
too
late
to
find
your
way
back.
【生活中困扰你的杂念可能已经模糊了初心,但我们始终不能迷失方向】
18.
Holding
onto
your
initial
spark
means
continuously
reminding
yourself
of
why
you
started
in
the
first
place.
【维系住起初炽热的火花,要不断提醒自己为何有初心】
19.
Sometimes,
all
it
takes
is
a
small
gesture
or
reminder
to
reignite
the
passion
that
started
your
journey.
【而有时候,点燃你内心的那丝热情,只需要一个简单的提示或鼓励】
20.
Your
initial
inspiration
may
have
come
from
external
sources,
but
it's
up
to
you
to
nurture
and
cultivate
it
into
something
great.
【灵感有时起源于外部,但如何将其融合成伟大就要看个人的养育和努力培养了】