.jpg)
1.
"A
white
wedding
dress
is
a
symbol
of
purity
and
hope,
reminding
us
to
always
cherish
love
and
keep
our
hearts
pure.
"
【美好的爱情需要纯洁的心灵来守护】
2.
"The
delicate
fabric
of
a
white
wedding
dress
represents
the
fragility
of
love,
encouraging
us
to
handle
our
relationships
with
care.
"
【爱情如缎、如水,需要我们小心呵护】
3.
"White
is
not
just
a
color,
it's
a
mood.
white
wedding
dress
evokes
feelings
of
serenity,
harmony,
and
happiness.
"
【纯白色是一种情感,它象征着平静、和谐和快乐】
4.
"Wearing
a
white
wedding
dress
on
your
special
day
makes
you
feel
like
a
princess,
reminding
us
to
always
cherish
ourselves.
"
【婚礼是自己的重要时刻,纯白婚纱让你成为无愧的公主】
5.
"In
a
world
of
chaos,
a
white
wedding
dress
brings
a
sense
of
calm,
purity,
and
clarity.
"
【尘世纷乱,纯白婚纱带给我们平静、纯净和清晰】
6.
"The
elegance
of
a
white
wedding
dress
is
not
just
about
its
design,
but
also
the
purity
and
beauty
it
represents.
"
【白色婚纱不仅仅代表着优雅,更展现了它纯净的美丽】
7.
"Choosing
a
white
wedding
dress
is
not
just
a
style
choice,
it's
a
statement
of
hope
and
commitment
to
love.
"
【选择纯白婚纱不仅仅是时尚的选择,更代表了对爱情的坚定承诺】
8.
"Wearing
a
white
wedding
dress
is
not
just
about
looking
beautiful,
it's
about
feeling
beautiful
from
the
inside
out.
"
【穿上白色婚纱,不仅要从外表美丽,更需要内心散发出美丽的光芒】
9.
"A
white
wedding
dress
is
a
canvas
of
dreams,
inspiring
us
to
believe
in
the
power
of
love
and
fairy
tales.
"
【纯白婚纱是梦想的画布,唤醒我们相信爱情和童话的力量】
10.
"Choosing
a
white
wedding
dress
is
like
choosing
your
destiny,
reminding
us
to
choose
love,
hope,
and
happiness.
"
【选择一件纯白婚纱就像选择自己的命运,提醒我们选择爱情、希望和幸福】
11.
"A
white
wedding
dress
is
not
just
a
garment,
it's
a
symbol
of
new
beginnings
and
endless
possibilities.
"
【纯白婚纱代表了新的开始和无尽的可能】
12.
"A
white
wedding
dress
is
like
a
ray
of
light,
guiding
us
towards
happiness,
love,
and
fulfillment.
"
【纯白婚纱就像一束光,指引着我们走向幸福、爱情和满足】
13.
"Wearing
a
white
wedding
dress
is
like
wearing
your
heart
on
your
sleeve,
reminding
us
to
be
open,
honest,
and
vulnerable
in
love.
"
【穿上纯白婚纱就好像把自己的心脏展示在外,提醒我们在爱情中要保持开放、诚实和脆弱】
14.
"A
white
wedding
dress
is
not
just
about
tradition,
it's
about
a
timeless
elegance
that
transcends
cultures
and
generations.
"
【纯白婚纱不仅代表了传统,更体现了超越文化和时代的不朽优雅】
15.
"The
purity
of
a
white
wedding
dress
is
an
inspiration
for
us
to
purify
our
own
hearts
and
minds.
"
【纯白婚纱的纯洁激励我们纯洁自己的内心和思想】
16.
"A
white
wedding
dress
is
like
a
blank
canvas,
allowing
us
to
paint
our
own
love
story.
"
【纯白婚纱像一张白纸,让我们绘制上自己的爱情故事】
17.
"Wearing
a
white
wedding
dress
is
not
just
about
a
fashion
statement,
it's
about
embodying
the
beauty
and
power
of
love.
"
【穿上纯白婚纱不仅是一种时尚表达,更体现了爱情的美丽和力量】
18.
"A
white
wedding
dress
is
like
a
cocoon,
transforming
us
into
beautiful
butterflies
ready
to
fly
towards
our
dreams.
"
【纯白婚纱就像一个蚕茧,将我们变成了美丽的蝴蝶
ready
to
fly
towards
our
dreams】
19.
"Wearing
a
white
wedding
dress
is
like
embracing
a
new
chapter
in
your
life,
reminding
us
to
live
with
joy
and
courage.
"
【穿上纯白婚纱就像迎接新人生的篇章,提醒我们勇敢地过好生活】
20.
"The
beauty
of
a
white
wedding
dress
shines
brightest
when
it's
paired
with
a
heart
full
of
love,
kindness,
and
compassion.
"
【纯白婚纱的美丽最能体现在充满爱、善良和同情心的内心上】