.jpg)
1.
Basketball
is
not
just
a
game,
it's
a
way
of
life.
【篮球不仅仅是一场比赛,它更是一种生活方式。
】
2.
The
sound
of
a
basketball
hitting
the
floor
brings
back
so
many
memories.
【篮球碰到地板的声音让我回忆起很多往事。
】
3.
When
I'm
on
the
court,
nothing
else
matters.
It's
just
me
and
the
basketball.
【当我在球场上时,没有什么比得上与篮球为伴。
】
4.
The
sweet
sound
of
a
swish
is
music
to
a
basketball
player's
ears.
【三分球飞进篮筐的声音是每个篮球运动员的最爱。
】
5.
Basketball
teaches
us
to
always
strive
for
excellence
and
never
give
up.
【篮球教会我们始终追求卓越,永不言败。
】
6.
No
matter
how
many
times
fall
down,
always
get
back
up
and
keep
playing.
That's
the
spirit
of
basketball.
【无论我倒下了多少回,我总是能够站起来继续打,这就是篮球精神。
】
7.
Basketball
is
not
only
physical
but
also
mental.
Winning
a
game
requires
both.
【篮球不止是身体上的训练,也是心理上的挑战。
赢得比赛需要两种元素的结合。
】
8.
You
don't
have
to
be
the
tallest
or
the
strongest
to
be
a
great
basketball
player,
you
just
have
to
have
heart.
【成为一名优秀的篮球运动员,并不需要身高或力量,你只需要有一颗勇敢的心。
】
9.
Basketball
is
a
team
sport,
and
success
depends
on
how
well
you
work
together.
【篮球是一项团队运动,成功取决于你们的团队协作能力。
】
10.
The
best
part
of
basketball
is
the
friendships
you
make
with
your
teammates.
They
become
your
family.
【篮球最好的一部分是你和队友之间建立起的友谊,他们成为了你的家人。
】
11.
The
beauty
of
basketball
is
that
it's
a
never-ending
game
of
learning
and
improvement.
【篮球的美丽在于,它是一场永无止境的学习和进步之旅。
】
12.
Basketball
is
an
art,
and
the
court
is
our
canvas.
【篮球是一种艺术,而球场则是我们的画布。
】
13.
Basketball
is
not
about
winning
or
losing,
it's
about
playing
with
passion
and
giving
it
your
best.
【篮球并不是关于输赢,而是关于投入激情,尽你所能去做得更好。
】
14.
The
best
basketball
players
don't
focus
on
their
individual
achievements,
they
focus
on
lifting
up
their
team.
【最好的篮球运动员不是关注于个人成就,而是关注于提升整个团队的实力。
】
15.
There's
no
feeling
quite
like
hitting
a
game-winning
shot
in
basketball.
【在篮球比赛中命中一记关键球的感觉无与伦比。
】
16.
Basketball
is
a
language
that
transcends
borders
and
unites
people
from
all
walks
of
life.
【篮球是一种超越国界的语言,可以团结各种不同背景的人。
】
17.
Basketball
requires
discipline,
perseverance,
and
an
unwavering
commitment
to
excellence.
【篮球需要纪律、毅力和对卓越的不懈追求。
】
18.
From
playground
pick-up
games
to
championships,
basketball
is
a
game
for
all
ages
and
skill
levels.
【从操场上的比赛到NBA冠军赛,篮球是适合各年龄和技能水平的游戏。
】
19.
Playing
basketball
is
not
just
about
physical
fitness,
it's
a
mental
workout
too.
【打篮球不仅仅是身体健康,也是一种心理锻炼。
】
20.
Basketball
is
more
than
just
a
sport,
it's
a
way
of
life
that
brings
people
together
and
creates
unforgettable
memories.
【篮球不仅仅是一项运动,它更是一种生活方式,可以让人们聚在一起,创造难忘的回忆。
】