.jpg)
1.
Modern
technology
has
made
communication
more
efficient
and
convenient
than
ever
before.
【Communication】
2.
The
advancement
of
medicine
has
greatly
improved
the
quality
and
length
of
human
life.
【Medicine】
3.
Transportation
has
become
faster
and
more
accessible,
allowing
people
to
travel
anywhere
in
the
world.
【Transportation】
4.
The
availability
of
information
online
has
made
learning
and
research
easier
than
ever.
【Information】
5.
Modern
appliances
and
tools
have
made
household
chores
quicker
and
easier
to
accomplish.
【Convenience】
6.
Job
opportunities
have
expanded
with
the
growth
of
industries
and
technology.
【Career】
7.
The
development
of
renewable
energy
sources
has
the
potential
to
greatly
benefit
the
environment.
【Environment】
8.
Modern
entertainment
options
provide
a
diverse
range
of
choices
for
leisure
time
activities.
【Entertainment】
9.
Online
shopping
allows
for
convenient
and
easy
access
to
a
variety
of
products.
【Shopping】
10.
The
use
of
social
media
has
made
it
easier
to
connect
with
people
from
all
over
the
world.
【Social
media】
11.
Advanced
security
systems
provide
better
protection
for
homes
and
businesses.
【Security】
12.
The
availability
of
online
education
allows
people
to
obtain
a
degree
or
learn
new
skills
without
leaving
their
homes.
【Online
education】
13.
Modern
farming
technology
has
increased
crop
yields,
helping
to
feed
growing
populations.
【Farming】
14.
The
development
of
and
automation
systems
has
the
potential
to
revolutionize
many
industries.
and
automation】
15.
Modern
architecture
and
engineering
have
allowed
for
the
construction
of
taller,
stronger,
and
more
impressive
buildings.
【Architecture
and
engineering】
16.
The
growth
of
e-commerce
has
provided
more
opportunities
for
entrepreneurs
to
start
their
own
businesses.
【E-commerce】
17.
Personal
finance
tools
and
apps
have
made
it
easier
for
people
to
manage
their
money
and
investments.
【Personal
finance】
18.
Advances
in
sports
science
and
technology
have
greatly
improved
the
performance
and
safety
of
athletes.
【Sports】
19.
Modern
art
and
design
styles
offer
a
diverse
range
of
creative
expression
and
inspiration.
【Art
and
design】
20.
The
availability
of
remote
work
options
has
provided
greater
flexibility
for
employees
and
improved
work-life
balance.
【Remote
work】