.jpg)
1.
kind
word
can
go
a
long
way
in
making
someone's
day
brighter.
【美好的话语,能让人欣慰一整天。
】
2.
There's
a
certain
charm
in
communicating
with
gentle
words.
【和柔语沟通,让人倍感温馨。
】
3.
The
power
of
a
gentle
touch
can
melt
away
even
the
toughest
exterior.
【温柔的碰触,能融化最坚硬的外壳。
】
4.
When
we
offer
kindness
in
our
words,
we
invite
more
love
into
our
lives.
【赠言温暖,生活更多爱心相伴。
】
5.
gentle
smile
can
open
doors
that
aggression
could
never
unlock.
【温柔的微笑,能打开不曾开启的心扉。
】
6.
The
gentle
precision
of
a
surgeon's
hands
is
a
testament
to
the
power
of
a
gentle
touch.
【外科医生温柔而精准的双手,是温柔可贵之证。
】
7.
The
gentle
rustle
of
leaves
in
the
wind
is
a
song
of
nature's
gentle
embrace.
【微风拂动的树叶声,是大自然温柔的拥抱之歌。
】
8.
tender
moment
shared
between
two
people
can
create
a
lifetime
of
memories.
【两人共享的瞬间温情,成就终生难忘的回忆。
】
9.
The
soft
lilting
of
a
lullaby
can
calm
even
the
most
restless
of
souls.
【婴儿曲的柔声细语,能安抚最不安宁的灵魂。
】
10.
gentle
rainfall
can
create
a
symphony
of
music
that
soothes
the
soul.
【柔和的雨声,钟爱灵魂的交响乐。
】
11.
gentle
breeze
on
a
warm
summer
day
can
bring
a
refreshing
sense
of
peace.
【夏日柔风,给人平和的清凉感。
】
12.
The
warm
embrace
of
a
loved
one
can
be
the
most
comforting
thing
in
the
world.
【心爱的人的温暖拥抱,是世上最让人感到舒适的事情。
】
13.
The
gentle
touch
of
a
mother's
hand
can
make
everything
feel
better.
【母亲温柔的手势,让一切都感到更好。
】
14.
The
gentle
flicker
of
a
candle
can
create
an
atmosphere
of
peace
and
serenity.
【烛光摇曳,营造出和谐宁静的氛围。
】
15.
It
takes
strength
to
be
gentle,
but
the
rewards
are
immeasurable.
【拥有柔情之力,收获无量珍贵之果。
】
16.
The
art
of
gentle
persuasion
can
change
hearts
and
minds
in
ways
brute
force
never
could.
【温和劝说之艺,能以方式弥补暴力无法改变的心态。
】
17.
gentle,
compassionate
heart
is
the
hallmark
of
a
truly
great
person.
【慈悲温柔之心,造就真正优秀的人。
】
18.
The
gentle
hum
of
nature
can
soothe
the
soul
and
heal
the
mind.
【自然柔和的嗡鸣,让灵魂得到安抚和愈合。
】
19.
The
gentle
touch
of
a
spouse
can
strengthen
the
bond
between
two
people.
【配偶温柔的碰触,加强两人之间的纽带。
】
20.
To
be
gentle
with
oneself
is
the
first
step
towards
true
self-love
and
acceptance.
【善待自己,是真正自爱和接纳自我的第一步。
】