.jpg)
1.
“Sometimes
the
memories
we
cherish
the
most
are
the
same
memories
that
bring
us
tears.
”
【伤感】
2.
“It's
the
emptiness
that
weighs
the
heaviest
on
our
hearts.
”
【失落】
3.
“No
matter
how
much
we
try
to
forget,
the
pain
of
a
broken
heart
remains.
”
【心碎】
4.
“The
hardest
part
of
letting
go
is
accepting
that
some
things
are
never
meant
to
be.
”
【放手】
5.
“The
sadness
lingers,
like
a
cloud
that
refuses
to
dissipate.
”
【悲伤】
6.
“We
build
walls
around
our
hearts
to
protect
us,
but
we
forget
that
those
walls
also
keep
love
out.
”
【保护】
7.
“In
moments
of
darkness,
we
long
for
the
light,
but
sometimes
the
light
is
nowhere
to
be
found.
”
【绝望】
8.
“The
love
we
had
was
like
a
flame
that
burned
too
bright,
too
fast,
leaving
us
in
the
darkness
of
its
aftermath.
”
【痛苦】
9.
“The
weight
of
regret
can
crush
even
the
strongest
soul.
”
【后悔】
10.
“We
want
to
forget,
but
the
memories
refuse
to
fade
away.
”
【记忆】
11.
“The
pain
of
losing
someone
we
love
never
really
goes
away,
it
just
becomes
a
part
of
us.
”
【失去】
12.
“We
hide
our
tears,
our
pain,
our
fears,
but
sometimes
it's
okay
to
let
them
show.
”
【坦诚】
13.
“We
search
for
love,
but
sometimes
we
find
only
heartbreak.
”
【寻找】
14.
“Words
can
wound
just
as
deeply
as
any
weapon.
”
【语言】
15.
“We
break
each
other's
hearts,
but
we
also
have
the
power
to
heal
them.
”
【治愈】
16.
“It's
not
the
goodbye
that
hurts
the
most,
it's
everything
that
could
have
been.
”
【告别】
17.
“The
greatest
tragedy
of
love
is
not
loving
in
return.
”
【爱情】
18.
“Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
the
scars
remain.
”
【伤口】
19.
“We
hold
onto
the
past,
but
sometimes
we
need
to
let
it
go
to
make
room
for
the
future.
”
【放下】
20.
“In
the
end,
all
that's
left
are
the
memories,
both
beautiful
and
painful.
”
【回忆】