.jpg)
1.
"The
heart
has
its
reasons
of
which
reason
knows
nothing.
"
-
Blaise
Pascal
【心有其所,理解无由。
】
2.
"The
sea,
once
it
casts
its
spell,
holds
one
in
its
net
of
wonder
forever.
"
-
Jacques
Yves
Cousteau
【海洋,魅惑一经施展,便将人们紧紧地拥抱,永远无法自拔。
】
3.
"In
the
end,
we
only
regret
the
chances
we
didn't
take.
"
-
Lewis
Carroll
【最后我们只会后悔错过的机会。
】
4.
"I
have
loved
the
stars
too
fondly
to
be
afraid
of
the
night.
"
-
Sarah
Williams
【我曾太痴迷于星空,如今黑夜亦不足畏惧。
】
5.
"And
above
all,
watch
with
glittering
eyes
the
whole
world
around
you.
"
-
Roald
Dahl
【最重要的是,用闪亮的眼睛观察周遭的世界。
】
6.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
-
Nelson
Mandela
【生命中最辉煌的荣耀并不在于从未跌倒,而是每次跌倒后都站起来。
】
7.
"Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication.
"
-
Leonardo
da
Vinci
【简约即至高无上的精致。
】
8.
"All
that
we
see
or
seem
is
but
a
dream
within
a
dream.
"
-
Edgar
Allan
Poe
【我们所见所觉不过是梦中之梦。
】
9.
"To
be
yourself
in
a
world
that
is
constantly
trying
to
make
you
something
else
is
the
greatest
accomplishment.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【在这个不断试图让你成为别人的世界里,做自己才是最大的成就。
】
10.
"It
is
only
with
the
heart
that
one
can
see
rightly;
what
is
essential
is
invisible
to
the
eye.
"
-
Antoine
de
Saint-Exupéry
【只有用心才能看清事情的本质,重要的东西对眼睛而言是看不见的。
】
11.
"The
best
and
most
beautiful
things
in
the
world
cannot
be
seen
or
even
touched
-
they
must
be
felt
with
the
heart.
"
-
Helen
Keller
【世界上最好、最美的事物都无法被看见或触摸,只能用心感受。
】
12.
"To
live
is
the
rarest
thing
in
the
world.
Most
people
exist,
that
is
all.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【活着是这个世界上最稀有的事情,大多数人只是存在而已。
】
13.
"The
only
true
wisdom
is
in
knowing
you
know
nothing.
"
-
Socrates
【唯一真正的智慧就在于知道自己一无所知。
】
14.
"We
are
all
in
the
gutter,
but
some
of
us
are
looking
at
the
stars.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【我们都身处泥沟,但一些人注视着星空。
】
15.
"I
would
rather
die
of
passion
than
of
boredom.
"
-
Vincent
van
Gogh
【我宁愿热情而死,也不愿因无聊而死。
】
16.
"The
world
is
a
book,
and
those
who
do
not
travel
read
only
a
page.
"
-
Saint
Augustine
【世界是一本书,那些不旅行的人只读了其中一页。
】
17.
"Life
is
what
happens
to
us
while
we
are
making
other
plans.
"
-
Allen
Saunders
【而生命就是在我们为其他计划而忙碌时发生的。
】
18.
"We
don't
see
things
as
they
are,
we
see
them
as
we
are.
"
-
Anaïs
Nin
【我们看待事物的方式,取决于我们自己的视角。
】
19.
"Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
"
-
Theodore
Roosevelt
【相信自己,你就已经走向成功的一半。
】
20.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
"
-
Steve
Jobs
【做好工作的唯一方法就是热爱你所做的事情。
】