1.
"A
hero
is
not
defined
by
their
strength
alone,
but
by
the
kindness
in
their
heart.
"
【英雄不仅靠力量,还要有温柔的心。
】
2.
"True
strength
lies
in
the
ability
to
lift
others
up,
rather
than
tear
them
down.
"
【真正的力量在于扶持他人,而非打击他人。
】
3.
"A
gentle
word
or
act
of
kindness
can
have
a
greater
impact
than
a
display
of
brute
force.
"
【一句温柔的话或者一份善意的举动,可能比你粗暴的行为更有影响力。
】
4.
"Real
heroes
are
the
ones
who
inspire
us
to
be
better,
not
the
ones
who
simply
have
power
and
influence.
"
【真正的英雄是激励我们成为更好的人的人,而不是仅仅有权力和影响力的人。
】
5.
"Kindness
is
the
true
mark
of
a
hero,
for
it
takes
strength
to
show
compassion
in
a
world
that
often
feels
cruel.
"
【温柔是英雄的真正标志,因为在这个常常让人感到残酷的世界里,表现出同情心需要勇气。
】
6.
"The
most
powerful
weapon
in
a
hero's
arsenal
is
not
a
sword
or
a
shield,
but
a
kind
heart.
"
【英雄最强大的武器不是剑或者盾牌,而是一颗善良的心。
】
7.
"Heroes
may
have
their
flaws
and
weaknesses,
but
it
is
their
willingness
to
overcome
them
that
makes
them
truly
great.
"
【英雄可能有缺点和弱点,但是他们愿意克服这些问题,这才是使他们真正伟大的原因。
】
8.
"The
most
courageous
act
a
hero
can
perform
is
not
a
feat
of
physical
strength,
but
an
act
of
compassion
and
mercy.
"
【英雄最勇敢的行动不是体力的壮举,而是一份同情和怜悯的行动。
】
9.
"A
hero's
legacy
is
not
measured
by
the
battles
they
have
won,
but
by
the
lives
they
have
touched
with
kindness
and
love.
"
【英雄的传奇不是由他们赢得的战斗来衡量的,而是由他们用温暖和爱触及的生命来衡量的。
】
10.
"The
true
test
of
a
hero
is
not
how
many
enemies
they
defeat,
but
how
many
hearts
they
touch
with
their
compassion.
"
【英雄真正的考验不在于他们打败了多少敌人,而是他们用同情触及了多少人心。
】
11.
"In
a
world
full
of
darkness,
a
hero
is
the
light
that
shines
bright
and
guides
us
through
the
darkness.
"
【在这个充满黑暗的世界里,英雄就像一道明亮的光,指引我们渡过黑暗。
】
12.
"A
hero's
greatest
power
does
not
come
from
their
physical
strength,
but
from
their
ability
to
inspire
others
to
be
their
best
selves.
"
【英雄最伟大的力量不是来自他们的体力,而是来自他们激励他人成为最好的自己的能力。
】
13.
"The
true
calling
of
a
hero
is
not
to
be
worshipped
or
adored,
but
to
serve
and
protect
those
in
need.
"
【英雄真正的使命不是被崇拜或者受到爱戴,而是为那些需要帮助的人服务和保护。
】
14.
"A
hero's
courage
comes
not
from
the
absence
of
fear,
but
from
their
willingness
to
face
their
fears
and
overcome
them.
"
【英雄的勇气不是来自于没有恐惧,而是来自于面对恐惧和克服恐惧的意愿。
】
15.
"The
true
beauty
of
a
hero
lies
not
in
their
physical
appearance,
but
in
the
kindness
and
compassion
they
show
towards
others.
"
【英雄的真正美丽不在于他们的外表,而在于他们向他人展现的善良和同情心。
】
16.
"A
hero
is
not
someone
who
seeks
glory
or
fame,
but
someone
who
selflessly
puts
the
needs
of
others
before
their
own.
"
【英雄不是那些追求荣誉或者名利的人,而是那些无私地把他人的需求放在自己之前的人。
】
17.
"The
most
meaningful
quest
of
a
hero's
life
is
not
to
achieve
greatness
for
themselves,
but
to
make
the
world
a
better
place
for
all.
"
【英雄生命中最有意义的任务不是为自己取得伟大,而是为所有人创造一个更好的世界。
】
18.
"A
hero's
strength
is
not
in
their
muscles,
but
in
their
ability
to
love,
to
forgive,
and
to
inspire
others
to
do
the
same.
"
【英雄的力量不在于他们的肌肉,而在于他们的爱心、宽恕和激励他人具备同样品质的能力。
】
19.
"The
true
measure
of
a
hero's
success
is
not
in
their
wealth
or
power,
but
in
the
positive
impact
they
have
on
the
world
and
those
around
them.
"
【英雄的真正成功不在于他们的财富或者权力,而在于他们对世界和周围人产生的积极影响。
】
20.
"A
hero's
journey
is
not
a
solitary
one,
for
they
are
always
surrounded
by
those
who
love
and
support
them.
"
【英雄的旅程不是一个孤独的旅程,因为他们始终被那些爱他们、支持他们的人包围着。
】