.jpg)
1.
"My
kid
just
told
me
he
wants
to
be
a
YouTuber
when
he
grows
up.
Looks
like
I'll
be
supporting
him
for
the
rest
of
my
life.
"
【#parentinglife】
2.
"My
child's
favorite
food
is
still
'air'.
guess
should
be
thankful
for
not
having
to
spend
much
on
groceries.
"
【#blessed】
3.
"I
asked
my
toddler
what
he
learned
in
daycare,
he
responded
by
showing
me
his
new
dance
moves.
"
【#masterdancer】
4.
"My
son
just
asked
me
for
a
pet
unicorn,
told
him
they
don't
exist.
He
then
proceeded
to
show
me
his
unicorn-shaped
chicken
nugget.
"
【#parentingstruggles】
5.
"My
daughter
just
drew
a
portrait
of
me.
.
.
let's
just
say,
don't
think
I'll
be
winning
any
beauty
contests
anytime
soon.
"
【#honestyhour】
6.
"My
son's
response
to
everything
nowadays
is
'I
already
told
you'
but
I'm
pretty
sure
he
never
actually
did.
"
【#parentingwoes】
7.
"My
toddler
just
peed
on
my
new
rug,
guess
it's
a
reminder
to
never
have
nice
things.
"
【#messyblessings】
8.
"My
daughter
just
asked
me
where
babies
come
from.
told
her
the
truth.
.
.
she
was
horrified.
"
【#awkwardmoments】
9.
"My
son
just
tried
to
explain
Minecraft
to
me,
nodded
my
head
in
agreement
and
still
don't
understand
a
thing.
"
【#gamingprobs】
10.
"My
child
just
ate
playdough.
.
.
guess
it's
better
than
actual
food.
"
【#playtimefun】
11.
"My
toddler's
favorite
activity
is
running
around
the
house
with
a
banana
in
his
hand,
screaming
'phone,
phone!'.
"
【#toddlertalk】
12.
"My
daughter
just
asked
me
what
the
point
of
going
to
school
is.
responded
with
'so
you
can
get
a
job
and
pay
for
your
own
stuff'.
"
【#realtalk】
13.
"My
son
just
told
me
he
wants
to
be
a
superhero
when
he
grows
up.
told
him
he's
already
my
hero.
"
【#proudmama】
14.
"My
child
insists
on
wearing
his
octopus
hat
everywhere
we
go.
.
.
let's
just
say,
we
get
a
lot
of
strange
looks.
"
【#fashionista】
15.
"My
daughter
just
told
me
she's
going
to
marry
Justin
Bieber.
told
her
good
luck
with
that
one.
"
【#dreambig】
16.
"My
son
just
asked
me
if
he
could
have
a
pet
dinosaur.
told
him
they
don't
exist.
He
then
asked
for
a
pet
dragon
instead.
"
【#mythicalcreatures】
17.
"My
child
just
taught
me
how
to
floss
(the
dance
move).
I'm
pretty
sure
looked
like
a
fish
out
of
water.
"
【#moveslikejagger】
18.
"My
toddler
just
asked
me
if
he
could
watch
'Paw
Patrol'
for
the
millionth
time
today.
said
sure,
as
long
as
he
doesn't
say
'paw
patrol
is
on
a
roll'
every
two
minutes.
"
【#parentingtruths】
19.
"My
daughter
just
told
me
she
wants
to
be
a
mermaid
when
she
grows
up.
told
her
she's
already
my
little
mermaid.
"
【#littlemermaidlove】
20.
"My
son
just
asked
me
if
he
could
stay
up
past
his
bedtime.
said
no,
but
he's
still
negotiating
like
a
lawyer.
"
【#kidspersuasion】