.jpg)
1.
Laughter
is
the
best
medicine,
except
when
trying
to
cure
insomnia.
【笑声是最好的药,但试图治疗失眠时除外。
】
2.
Happiness
is
a
warm
puppy,
but
an
even
warmer
slice
of
pizza.
【快乐是一只温暖的小狗,但比它更温暖的是一片比萨饼。
】
3.
Life
is
too
short
to
not
eat
the
entire
bag
of
chips.
【人生太短暂,不吃完整袋的薯片就太亏了。
】
4.
Reality
is
just
a
waking
dream,
but
with
more
coffee.
【现实就是清醒时的梦境,但有更多的咖啡。
】
5.
Success
is
10%
inspiration
and
90%
procrastination.
【成功是10%的灵感和90%的拖延。
】
6.
The
only
thing
better
than
a
good
book
is
a
good
cup
of
tea
to
go
with
it.
【唯一比好书更好的是一杯好茶。
】
7.
Sometimes
the
best
way
to
solve
a
problem
is
to
ignore
it
and
eat
chocolate.
【有时解决问题的最好方法就是忽略它,吃巧克力。
】
8.
You
can't
buy
happiness,
but
you
can
buy
pizza,
which
is
almost
the
same
thing.
【你不能买到幸福,但你可以买比萨,这几乎是一样的。
】
9.
good
friend
will
always
bring
you
a
bottle
of
wine,
but
a
great
friend
will
drink
it
with
you.
【好朋友总是会给你带一瓶酒,但好朋友会和你一起喝。
】
10.
Life
is
too
short
to
not
laugh
at
yourself
once
in
a
while.
【人生太短暂,偶尔不笑一下自己就太亏了。
】
11.
The
only
thing
more
dangerous
than
a
hot
stove
is
a
teenager
with
a
smartphone.
【唯一比热火炉更危险的就是一个拥有智能手机的青少年。
】
12.
Dieting
is
just
a
polite
way
of
saying
"I'm
starving
myself".
【节食只不过是委婉地说“我在饿自己”。
】
13.
good
deed
is
its
own
reward,
but
a
cup
of
hot
cocoa
is
a
nice
bonus.
【善行是它本身的回报,但一杯热可可是一个不错的红利。
】
14.
Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
good
nap.
【永远不要低估一个好觉的力量。
】
15.
Life
is
too
short
to
drink
bad
wine,
but
also
too
short
to
waste
the
good
stuff.
【人生太短暂,不能喝劣质的酒,也不能浪费好酒。
】
16.
The
best
part
of
waking
up
is
not
Folgers
in
your
cup,
it's
the
snooze
button.
【清晨醒来最棒的部分不是在你的杯子里看到法格斯咖啡,而是小睡的按钮。
】
17.
You
can't
buy
love,
but
you
can
buy
a
ticket
to
Disney
World,
which
is
pretty
close.
【你不能买到爱,但你可以买到迪士尼世界的门票,这几乎是一样的。
】
18.
Happiness
is
not
having
to
put
on
pants
on
a
weekend.
【快乐就是周末不用穿裤子。
】
19.
Age
is
just
a
number,
but
wrinkles
are
a
stark
reality.
【年龄只是一个数字,但皱纹是残酷的现实。
】
20.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
as
long
as
you
have
a
good
playlist,
it's
not
half
bad.
【人生就是一段旅程,只要你有一个好的播放列表,就不会半途而废。
】