1.
"Every
penny
spend
on
you
is
worth
it,
because
your
happiness
is
priceless.
"
【华丽的字体,精致的田园花纹,这本账本分明就是为了记录我们的共同时光。
】
2.
"I
don't
mind
being
broke
as
long
as
have
you
by
my
side.
"
【沉甸甸的钞票可以买来物质上的享受,但只有你才能给我真正的快乐。
】
3.
"Let's
save
up
together
and
make
our
dream
come
true.
"
【这个月的开支都在这里记录了,我们一起努力,把目标实现!
】
4.
"Money
can't
buy
love,
but
it
can
buy
a
coffee
date
with
you.
"
【在这个小小的账本上,我们记录了许许多多珍贵的时刻。
】
5.
"I
may
not
have
much,
but
will
always
give
you
my
all.
"
【贫穷并不可怕,因为我有你这份富足。
】
6.
"Your
smile
is
worth
every
penny
spend.
"
【钱来了又去,但你的笑容将永远留在我的心里。
】
7.
"You
are
my
everything,
even
if
my
bank
balance
says
otherwise.
"
【这个账本或许不起眼,但记录了我和你的朝夕相处。
】
8.
"I
don't
need
extravagance,
just
your
love
and
a
cozy
home.
"
【温馨的小窝和你的爱,比任何昂贵的奢侈品都要重要。
】
9.
"Life
may
be
tough,
but
having
you
makes
it
worth
it.
"
【这个账本记载了无数的艰辛,但因为你的存在,它变得更加美好。
】
10.
"Money
may
come
and
go,
but
our
love
is
here
to
stay.
"
【在这个简单的账本上记录着我们的回忆,这就是最好的富有。
】
11.
"There's
nothing
enjoy
more
than
spending
time
with
you,
even
if
it
means
tightening
our
budget.
"
【即使为了在一起而牢牢控制开支,我也绝不会后悔。
】
12.
"Every
time
look
at
this
ledger,
I'm
reminded
of
how
lucky
am
to
have
you
in
my
life.
"
【这个账本不仅记录了财务状况,也记录了我们的爱情故事。
】
13.
"Our
budget
may
be
limited,
but
our
love
knows
no
bounds.
"
【即使生活寒酸,我也愿意与你一起心心相印。
】
14.
"I
don't
need
a
lot
of
money
to
make
you
happy,
just
my
undivided
attention.
"
【因为我们拥有真爱,这个账本里的每一笔支出都是值得的。
】
15.
"I'll
always
put
you
first,
even
if
it
means
sacrificing
my
own
wants
and
needs.
"
【爱是无私的,这本账本上记录的每一笔开支都是为了你而付出。
】
16.
"Our
financial
situation
may
not
be
ideal,
but
our
love
is
richer
than
any
bank
account.
"
【这个账本告诉我们,即使现实有些残酷,但我们的爱会使一切变得充实。
】
17.
"I
don't
need
material
possessions
to
be
happy,
all
need
is
you.
"
【即使只有这个简单的账本,也足以记载我们共同的故事。
】
18.
"We
may
not
have
much,
but
we
have
each
other,
and
that's
all
that
matters.
"
【这个简单的账本记录着我们一起拼搏的日子,也记载着我们的美好回忆。
】
19.
"It's
not
about
how
much
money
we
have,
it's
about
the
memories
we
create
together.
"
【钱不是万能的,但有你陪伴,我的生命变得更加珍贵。
】
20.
"Our
love
is
worth
more
than
any
material
possession,
and
this
ledger
is
a
testament
to
that.
"
【无需奢华,只要有你的陪伴,我的富有就济济如墨。
】