1.
Education
is
important,
but
passion
and
hard
work
will
take
you
further
in
life.
【重要又学不来】
2.
Your
character
matters
more
than
your
degrees
or
certificates.
【品德决定一切】
3.
Life
is
about
experiences
and
relationships,
not
just
academic
achievements.
【生活不止学业】
4.
Learning
doesn't
stop
after
graduation;
real
education
begins
when
you
enter
the
workforce.
【毕业只是开始】
5.
Success
in
life
is
not
only
measured
by
the
letters
after
your
name
but
also
by
the
impact
you
make
on
others.
【成功无需独孤长名】
6.
Practical
skills
and
street
smarts
are
just
as
valuable
as
theoretical
knowledge.
【实践与理论同等重要】
7.
Living
a
meaningful
life
means
following
your
passions
and
doing
what
makes
you
happy.
【追求真正的快乐】
8.
Education
is
a
tool,
but
it's
up
to
you
how
you
use
it
to
shape
your
future.
【教育是一种工具而非终点】
9.
Kindness,
empathy,
and
emotional
intelligence
are
essential
skills
for
navigating
the
world.
【善良和情商同样重要】
10.
You
don't
need
a
diploma
to
be
successful,
but
you
do
need
determination,
creativity,
and
a
willingness
to
learn.
【成功靠的是毅力与创造力】
11.
Life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination
-
learn
to
enjoy
the
process
and
embrace
the
challenges
that
come
your
way.
【人生如旅,在路上领悟】
12.
Failure
is
an
opportunity
to
learn
and
grow,
not
a
reflection
of
your
worth.
【失败不可怕,学习与成长才是关键】
13.
Your
achievements
in
life
should
be
measured
by
the
happiness
you
bring
to
yourself
and
others.
【幸福才是最大的成就】
14.
Life
is
unpredictable,
and
you
never
know
where
your
passions
and
talents
will
take
you
-
embrace
the
journey
with
an
open
mind
and
heart.
【人生充满变数,接纳新鲜事物才能更有成就感】
15.
Your
degree
may
open
doors,
but
it's
your
character,
attitude,
and
work
ethic
that
will
keep
them
open.
【学历开启大门,品质与态度留得住人心】
16.
Surround
yourself
with
positive
people
who
support
your
dreams
and
uplift
you.
【和积极的人在一起】
17.
Money
and
material
possessions
may
bring
temporary
happiness,
but
true
fulfillment
comes
from
living
a
purposeful
life.
【金钱与物质的幸福是短暂的,追求人生意义和价值感方能让人生感满足】
18.
Intellectual
intelligence
is
important,
but
emotional
intelligence
is
even
more
critical
for
success.
【智商很重要,情商更关键】
19.
Life
is
not
a
race,
so
don't
compare
yourself
to
others
-
focus
on
your
own
journey
and
growth.
【生活不是竞赛,不要和别人比较】
20.
Your
life's
legacy
is
not
determined
by
the
degrees
you
hold
or
the
titles
you
earn,
but
by
the
love,
kindness,
and
impact
you
make
on
the
world.
【人生遗留下来的并不是学位与头衔,而是你在这个世上留下的爱与美好】