.jpg)
1.
When
life
knocks
you
down,
get
up
and
fight
harder
than
before.
【#nevergiveup】
2.
In
every
great
story,
there
is
always
a
hero
who
overcomes
adversity.
【#overcomingobstacles】
3.
It's
not
about
the
destination,
it's
about
the
journey.
Enjoy
the
ride.
【#livinginmoment】
4.
The
only
limit
to
our
realization
of
tomorrow
will
be
our
doubts
of
today.
【#believeinyourself】
5.
Success
is
not
the
key
to
happiness.
Happiness
is
the
key
to
success.
【#happinessiskey】
6.
Sometimes
the
hardest
thing
and
the
right
thing
are
the
same.
【#toughchoices】
7.
Don't
wait
for
opportunities,
create
them.
【#opportunitiesareeverywhere】
8.
Mistakes
are
proof
that
you're
trying.
Learn
from
them
and
move
forward.
【#embracetheprocess】
9.
The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
【#loveyourwork】
10.
Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
【#positivemindset】
11.
Everything
you've
ever
wanted
is
on
the
other
side
of
fear.
【#facingfears】
12.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【#courageous】
13.
Life
is
10%
what
happens
to
us
and
90%
how
we
react
to
it.
【#attitudeiseverything】
14.
Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
【#selfbelief】
15.
Don't
give
up
on
your
dreams
just
because
it's
taking
longer
than
you
expected.
【#dreamsdocometrue】
16.
The
only
way
to
do
something
great
in
life
is
to
risk
being
uncomfortable.
【#steppingoutofcomfortzone】
17.
Surround
yourself
with
people
who
lift
you
up
and
inspire
you
to
be
the
best
version
of
yourself.
【#supportsystem】
18.
Every
day
is
a
new
opportunity
to
start
fresh
and
create
the
life
you
want.
【#newbeginnings】
19.
It's
never
too
late
to
be
what
you
might
have
been.
【#possibilities】
20.
Your
only
limit
is
the
amount
of
action
you're
willing
to
take.
【#takethefirststep】