.jpg)
1.
Sometimes,
even
a
smile
can't
hide
the
sadness
inside.
【#saddness】
2.
The
deepest
pain
is
always
the
one
that
nobody
knows
about.
【#deepPain】
3.
It
hurts
the
most
when
the
person
who
made
you
feel
special
yesterday,
makes
you
feel
unwanted
today.
【#feelingUnwanted】
4.
Tears
are
words
that
the
heart
can't
express.
【#tears】
5.
The
more
you
hide
your
feelings,
the
more
they
show.
【#hideFeelings】
6.
Sadness
is
a
heavy
burden
that
is
hard
to
carry
alone.
【#heavyBurden】
7.
You
never
know
how
strong
you
are
until
being
strong
is
the
only
choice
you
have.
【#beStrong】
8.
Sometimes
you
just
need
to
cry
out
all
the
tears
to
make
room
for
a
heart
full
of
smiles.
【#cryOut】
9.
Memories
can
bring
tears,
but
they
can
also
bring
smiles.
【#memories】
10.
The
worst
kind
of
pain
is
when
you
smile
just
to
stop
the
tears
from
falling.
【#worstPain】
11.
Sometimes
you
just
have
to
go
through
the
pain,
to
reach
the
happiness
waiting
on
the
other
side.
【#goThroughPain】
12.
Holding
onto
something
that
is
hurting
you
is
like
holding
onto
a
thorn,
eventually
it
will
pierce
you.
【#holdingOnto】
13.
The
darkest
nights
produce
the
brightest
stars.
【#darkestNights】
14.
Sometimes
life
gets
so
tough
that
you
just
end
up
crying
yourself
to
sleep.
【#cryingToSleep】
15.
Pain
is
a
natural
part
of
life,
but
suffering
is
optional.
【#pain】
16.
It's
not
the
goodbye
that
hurts,
it's
the
flashbacks
that
follow.
【#goodbye】
17.
When
you
are
going
through
tough
times,
always
remember
that
diamonds
are
made
under
pressure.
【#toughTimes】
18.
You
can
never
truly
appreciate
the
good
moments
until
you
have
gone
through
the
bad
ones.
【#appreciateGoodMoments】
19.
The
most
powerful
weapon
against
stress
is
our
ability
to
choose
one
thought
over
another.
【#stress】
20.
In
the
end,
only
three
things
matter:
how
much
you
loved,
how
gently
you
lived,
and
how
gracefully
you
let
go
of
things
not
meant
for
you.
【#letGo】