.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
it's
the
ones
you
love
the
most
who
hurt
you
the
deepest"【#Heartbroken】
2.
"Tears
are
words
that
the
heart
can't
express"【#Sadness】
3.
"I
may
smile
and
laugh,
but
that
doesn't
mean
I'm
not
hurting
inside"【#HidingPain】
4.
"I
wish
could
turn
back
time
to
when
everything
was
perfect"【#Regret】
5.
"My
heart
bleeds
every
time
think
of
you"【#Heartache】
6.
"Love
is
a
double-edged
sword,
it
can
bring
joy
and
pain
at
the
same
time"【#LoveHurt】
7.
"I
fall
too
fast,
love
too
hard,
and
hurt
too
much"【#FragileHeart】
8.
"Lost
love
is
like
a
broken
mirror.
It's
better
to
leave
it
broken
than
hurt
yourself
trying
to
fix
it"【#LettingGo】
9.
"I
miss
the
person
used
to
be
before
you
broke
my
heart"【#Nostalgia】
10.
"The
hardest
thing
is
not
moving
on,
but
rather
accepting
the
fact
that
have
to"【#Acceptance】
11.
"It
hurts
to
breathe
when
every
breath
reminds
you
of
the
one
you
love"【#MissingYou】
12.
"As
much
as
wish
could
forget
you,
my
heart
refuses
to
let
go"【#CaughtInBetween】
13.
"Hurt
me
with
the
truth,
but
never
comfort
me
with
a
lie"【#Honesty】
14.
"The
memories
we
shared
will
forever
be
etched
in
my
heart,
even
if
you're
gone"【#Memories】
15.
"It's
not
the
goodbyes
that
hurt,
it's
the
flashbacks
that
follow"【#GoodbyeHeartache】
16.
"I
know
deserve
better,
but
my
heart
still
aches
for
you"【#SelfWorth】
17.
"It's
not
the
rain
that
makes
me
sad,
it's
the
memories
that
it
brings
back"【#RainyDays】
18.
"I
thought
could
handle
the
pain,
but
it's
just
getting
harder
each
day"【#FadingStrength】
19.
"Wishing
could
turn
back
time
and
redo
everything
with
a
different
ending"【#WhatIfs】
20.
"The
worst
feeling
is
laying
in
bed
at
night,
missing
someone
who
isn't
missing
you"【#OneSidedLove】