.jpg)
1.
The
palace
walls
gleamed
like
gold
in
the
moonlight,
casting
a
spell
over
the
surrounding
trees
and
gardens.
【夜色如金,将宫墙、园林笼罩其中】
2.
The
stillness
of
the
night
was
broken
only
by
the
crackle
of
lanterns
and
the
soft
padding
of
footsteps
on
the
marble
floors.
【夜晚的寂静只被灯笼声和人脚的步伐打破】
3.
The
red
lanterns
hanging
from
the
palace
eaves
looked
like
celestial
fireflies
dancing
in
the
dark.
【宫殿檐下挂着的红灯笼,如夜空中的萤火舞蹈般美丽】
4.
The
intricate
carvings
on
the
palace
doors
and
windows
seemed
to
come
alive
in
the
ethereal
glow
of
the
moon.
【宫门、窗户上细致的雕刻,在月光下仿佛有了生命】
5.
The
still
waters
of
the
palace
lake
reflected
the
stars
and
moon
above,
creating
a
dreamlike
atmosphere.
【宫内的湖水平静如镜,倒映星月,犹如梦境】
6.
serene
calm
settled
over
the
palace,
as
if
the
world
outside
its
walls
didn't
exist.
【宫殿里闲静安详,仿佛外面的世界不存在】
7.
The
palace
courtyards
were
alive
with
the
glow
of
softly
lit
lanterns,
casting
a
warm
and
inviting
light.
【宫廷四合院被柔和的灯光照亮,散发出温馨和诱人的光芒】
8.
The
rustling
leaves
of
palace
trees
whispered
secrets
to
each
other,
as
if
conspiring
with
the
night.
【宫庭内的树叶在微风中沙沙作响,仿佛正在与夜晚密谋什么】
9.
The
palace
seemed
to
be
holding
its
breath,
as
if
waiting
for
some
great
mystery
to
unfold.
【宫殿似乎屏住呼吸,仿佛在等待某个重大的神秘事件】
10.
The
palace
walls
stood
sturdy
and
proud
in
the
moonlight,
a
testament
to
the
power
and
majesty
of
the
past.
【宫墙在月光下挺立,显现出曾经的威严和权势】
11.
The
palace
gardens
were
a
labyrinth
of
shadows
and
moonbeams,
beckoning
visitors
to
explore
their
mysteries.
【宫内的花园是一个充满阴影和月光的迷宫,吸引着游客探索其中的神秘之处】
12.
The
palace
was
like
a
time
capsule,
preserving
the
secrets
and
memories
of
a
bygone
era
for
all
to
see.
【宫殿宛如一个时光胶囊,将逝去的岁月和回忆保存在内供人观赏】
13.
The
palace's
elegance
and
grandeur
were
so
captivating
that
it
was
impossible
to
leave
without
feeling
transformed.
【宫殿的优美和庄严是如此的迷人,让人不禁心生改变】
14.
The
moonlit
palace
was
like
something
out
of
a
fairytale,
a
place
where
magic
and
enchantment
were
palpable.
【月下的宫殿如童话故事般的梦幻,这里弥漫着神奇和迷幻的气息】
15.
The
palace
at
night
was
a
place
of
wonder,
where
imagination
and
reality
blended
seamlessly.
【夜晚的宫殿是唯美的奇迹所在,想象与现实在这里无缝融合】
16.
The
palace's
sweeping
rooftops
and
ornate
facades
were
even
more
stunning
under
the
moon.
【宫殿的宏大屋顶和精美外观,在月光下显得更加壮观】
17.
The
palace's
secrets
seemed
to
seep
out
from
every
corner,
as
if
they
were
eager
to
be
discovered.
【宫殿的秘密仿佛从每个角落渗透出来,像是渴望被发现】
18.
The
palace
felt
like
a
place
where
time
stood
still,
where
the
past
and
present
coexisted
in
harmony.
【宫殿似乎是时间定格的场所,过去与现在在这里和谐共存】
19.
The
palace's
intricate
designs
and
architecture
were
reminiscent
of
a
world
that
no
longer
exists.
【宫殿的细致设计和建筑风格令人回忆起已逝的时代】
20.
The
night
air
was
filled
with
the
fragrance
of
magnolia
blossoms,
adding
to
the
dreamlike
quality
of
the
palace.
【夜空弥漫着玉兰花的香气,让宫殿的梦幻气息更加浓郁】