.jpg)
1.
Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
【-Gregory
David
Roberts】
2.
In
the
end,
we
will
remember
not
the
words
of
our
enemies,
but
the
silence
of
our
friends.
【-Martin
Luther
King
Jr.
】
3.
To
be
brave
is
to
love
someone
unconditionally,
without
expecting
anything
in
return.
【-Margaret
Mitchell】
4.
When
someone
shows
you
who
they
are,
believe
them
the
first
time.
【-Maya
Angelou】
5.
The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
【-Nelson
Mandela】
6.
Love
is
a
force
more
formidable
than
any
other.
It
is
invisible—it
cannot
be
seen
or
measured,
yet
it
is
powerful
enough
to
transform
you
in
a
moment,
and
offer
you
more
joy
than
any
material
possession
could.
【-Barbara
De
Angelis】
7.
The
first
duty
of
love
is
to
listen.
【-Paul
Tillich】
8.
When
we
are
in
love,
we
open
ourselves
to
immense
vulnerability
and
risk,
but
also
to
immense
grace
and
beauty.
【-Bell
Hooks】
9.
The
best
and
most
beautiful
things
in
the
world
cannot
be
seen
or
even
touched—they
must
be
felt
with
the
heart.
【-Helen
Keller】
10.
Love
is
not
only
something
you
feel;
it
is
something
you
do.
【-David
Wilkerson】
11.
It
does
not
matter
how
long
you
are
spending
on
the
earth,
how
much
money
you
have
gathered
or
how
much
attention
you
have
received.
It
is
the
amount
of
positive
vibration
you
have
radiated
in
life
that
matters.
【-Amit
Ray】
12.
have
found
the
paradox,
that
if
you
love
until
it
hurts,
there
can
be
no
more
hurt,
only
more
love.
【-Mother
Teresa】
13.
We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
【-Edgar
Allan
Poe】
14.
Love
is
like
a
butterfly,
it
goes
where
it
pleases
and
it
pleases
wherever
it
goes.
【-Author
Unknown】
15.
Love
is
a
choice
you
make
from
moment
to
moment.
【-Barbara
De
Angelis】
16.
There
is
always
some
madness
in
love.
But
there
is
also
always
some
reason
in
madness.
【-Friedrich
Nietzsche】
17.
Love
takes
off
masks
that
we
fear
we
cannot
live
without
and
know
we
cannot
live
within.
【-James
Baldwin】
18.
You
don't
love
someone
for
their
looks,
or
their
clothes,
or
for
their
fancy
car,
but
because
they
sing
a
song
only
you
can
hear.
【-Oscar
Wilde】
19.
You
know
you
are
in
love
when
the
two
of
you
can
go
grocery
shopping
together.
【-Woody
Harrelson】
20.
Love
is
the
only
force
capable
of
transforming
an
enemy
into
a
friend.
【-Martin
Luther
King
Jr.
】