.jpg)
1.
"Life
may
seem
fragile
and
fleeting,
like
the
wings
of
a
termite,
but
it
can
leave
a
lasting
impact
on
those
around
us.
"
【#inspirational】
2.
"Just
like
the
destructive
power
of
termites,
grief
can
gradually
consume
us
from
the
inside
out.
"
【#grief】
3.
"The
collective
strength
of
a
colony
of
termites
is
remarkable,
just
like
how
the
support
of
loved
ones
can
carry
us
through
tough
times.
"
【#support】
4.
"Despite
their
small
size,
termites
can
cause
great
devastation;
never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
seemingly
insignificant
event.
"
【#power】
5.
"Change
can
be
as
relentless
as
a
termite
infestation,
but
it
is
up
to
us
to
adapt
and
overcome.
"
【#change】
6.
"As
termites
tirelessly
work
to
build
their
home,
so
must
we
put
in
effort
to
build
ourselves.
"
【#self-growth】
7.
"The
barren
wasteland
left
behind
by
termites
is
a
stark
reminder
that
our
actions
have
consequences.
"
【#responsibility】
8.
"Just
like
how
termites
work
together
to
achieve
a
common
goal,
so
must
we
put
aside
our
differences
for
the
greater
good.
"
【#unity】
9.
"The
brief
life
of
a
termite
serves
as
a
reminder
to
live
every
moment
to
the
fullest.
"
【#carpediem】
10.
"Termites
may
be
small,
but
they
have
the
power
to
cause
great
change;
never
underestimate
the
potential
for
positive
impact.
"
【#hope】
11.
"The
beauty
of
nature
exists
even
in
the
destruction
caused
by
termites.
"
【#beauty】
12.
"Like
termites
burrow
into
wood,
our
thoughts
can
burrow
deep
into
our
minds
and
shape
our
attitudes.
"
【#positivity】
13.
"The
resilience
of
a
termite
colony
serves
as
a
lesson
in
perseverance
and
determination.
"
【#resilience】
14.
"The
quiet
and
unassuming
nature
of
termites
reminds
us
to
approach
life
with
humility.
"
【#humility】
15.
"Just
like
how
termites
can
rebuild
their
home
from
scratch,
so
can
we
pick
ourselves
up
and
start
anew.
"
【#hope】
16.
"Termites
may
signify
destruction,
but
they
also
serve
as
a
reminder
of
the
cycle
of
life
and
death.
"
【#nature】
17.
"The
strength
of
a
termite
community
lies
in
their
unity
and
cooperation,
illustrating
the
power
of
teamwork.
"
【#teamwork】
18.
"Like
termites,
our
inner
fears
and
doubts
can
eat
away
at
us
if
left
unchecked.
"
【#mentalhealth】
19.
"Termites
may
seem
insignificant,
but
they
play
a
crucial
role
in
the
ecosystem;
never
underestimate
the
value
of
even
the
smallest
contributions
to
society.
"
【#importance】
20.
"Just
like
how
termites
can
cause
destruction,
they
can
also
serve
as
a
catalyst
for
growth
and
renewal.
"
【#transformation】