.jpg)
1.
"I
am
not
what
happened
to
me.
am
what
choose
to
become.
"
-
Carl
Jung
【伤感语录】
2.
"Some
people
feel
the
rain,
others
just
get
wet.
"
-
Bob
Marley
【伤感语录】
3.
"The
wound
is
the
place
where
the
light
enters
you.
"
-
Rumi
【伤感语录】
4.
"There
is
no
greater
agony
than
bearing
an
untold
story
inside
you.
"
-
Maya
Angelou
【伤感语录】
5.
"Pain
is
inevitable.
Suffering
is
optional.
"
-
Haruki
Murakami
【伤感语录】
6.
"The
only
way
to
deal
with
fear
is
to
face
it
head
on.
"
-
James
Patterson
【伤感语录】
7.
"It's
the
hardest
thing
to
give
away
and
the
last
thing
on
your
mind
today.
It
always
goes
to
those
that
don't
deserve.
"
-
Garth
Brooks
【伤感语录】
8.
"We
cannot
change
the
cards
we
are
dealt,
just
how
we
play
the
hand.
"
-
Randy
Pausch
【伤感语录】
9.
"Every
day
is
a
new
day,
and
you'll
never
be
able
to
find
happiness
if
you
don't
move
on.
"
-
Carrie
Underwood
【伤感语录】
10.
"What
hurts
you,
blesses
you.
Darkness
is
your
candle.
"
-
Rumi
【伤感语录】
11.
"I
don't
want
to
be
at
the
mercy
of
my
emotions.
want
to
use
them,
to
enjoy
them,
and
to
dominate
them.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【伤感语录】
12.
"Our
scars
make
us
who
we
are.
They
explain
our
past
and
shape
our
future.
"
-
David
Rossi
【伤感语录】
13.
"When
you
come
out
of
the
storm,
you
won't
be
the
same
person
who
walked
in.
That's
what
this
storm's
all
about.
"
-
Haruki
Murakami
【伤感语录】
14.
"We
don't
grow
when
things
are
easy.
We
grow
when
we
face
challenges.
"
-
Joyce
Meyer
【伤感语录】
15.
"You
can't
control
everything.
Sometimes
you
just
need
to
relax
and
have
faith
things
will
work
out.
"
-
Unknown
【伤感语录】
16.
"Let
your
tears
come.
Let
them
water
your
soul.
"
-
Eileen
Mayhew
【伤感语录】
17.
"Every
saint
has
a
past,
and
every
sinner
has
a
future.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【伤感语录】
18.
"Our
greatest
glory
is
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
-
Confucius
【伤感语录】
19.
"There
is
no
greater
sorrow
than
to
recall
happiness
in
times
of
misery.
"
-
Dante
Alighieri
【伤感语录】
20.
"The
pain
you
feel
today
is
the
strength
you'll
feel
tomorrow.
"
-
Unknown
【伤感语录】