1.
"老友如相思,何时再见?"
【old
friends
are
like
having
a
constant
crush,
always
wanting
to
meet
again.
】
2.
"爱情是慢慢累积的,友情是一见如故。
"
【love
accumulates
slowly
while
friendship
is
instantaneous.
】
3.
"老友重逢,感觉像回到过去那个年代。
"
【reuniting
with
old
friends
feels
like
going
back
in
time.
】
4.
"爱情让人心动,友情让人心安。
"
【love
makes
your
heart
skip
a
beat
while
friendship
makes
it
feel
at
ease.
】
5.
"老友就像是家人,不需要特别的理由才能联系。
"
【Old
friends
are
like
family,
you
don't
need
a
special
reason
to
stay
in
touch.
】
6.
"爱情是两个心灵的交汇,友情是一颗心的跳动。
"
【love
is
the
intersection
of
two
souls,
while
friendship
is
the
beat
of
a
single
heart.
】
7.
"老友是人生中最耀眼的瑰宝,贵在长久。
"
【Old
friends
are
the
most
valuable
gems
in
life,
precious
because
they
last.
】
8.
"爱情让人偏离原本的生活轨迹,友情助你回到原点。
"
【Love
can
take
you
off
course,
but
friendship
brings
you
back
to
your
roots.
】
9.
"老友是人生中唯一的恒久之笔。
"
【Old
friends
are
the
only
constant
in
life.
】
10.
"爱情像一场旅行,友情如一趟回家的路程。
"
【love
is
like
a
journey,
while
friendship
is
like
coming
home.
】
11.
"老友让我们感受到时间的存在,爱情让我们感受到时间的消失。
"
【Old
friends
remind
us
of
time
passing,
while
love
makes
us
forget
it
entirely.
】
12.
"爱情让我们变得优雅,友情让我们变得真挚。
"
【Love
makes
us
refined,
while
friendship
makes
us
genuine.
】
13.
"老友是我们最忠实的见证者,他们见证着我们最初的样子。
"
【Old
friends
are
our
most
faithful
witnesses,
they
have
seen
us
from
the
beginning.
】
14.
"爱情是一种冲动,而友情是一种选择。
"
【Love
is
a
passion
while
friendship
is
a
choice.
】
15.
"老友是永远的家庭,他们陪伴我们穿过一切。
"
【Old
friends
are
like
an
everlasting
family,
they
are
with
us
through
everything.
】
16.
"爱情是情感的交集,友情是知识的分享。
"
【Love
is
the
intersection
of
emotions,
friendship
is
the
sharing
of
knowledge.
】
17.
"老友就像是阅读的重要注释,帮我们更好地理解生命。
"
【Old
friends
are
important
footnotes
in
our
life,
helping
us
better
understand
it.
】
18.
"爱情是恒久和耐心,而友情则是真挚和长久。
"
【Love
is
enduring
and
patient,
while
friendship
is
genuine
and
lasting.
】
19.
"老友在我们的漫长旅程中,就像是明灯照亮我们的前进道路。
"
【Old
friends
are
like
beacons
on
our
long
journey,
lighting
the
way
forward.
】
20.
"爱情能让我们改变自己,友情则让我们接受真实的自己。
"
【Love
can
change
us,
while
friendship
accepts
us
for
who
we
truly
are.
】