.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
"
【1
Corinthians
13:4】
爱是耐心的,爱是良善的。
2.
"In
all
the
world,
there
is
no
heart
for
me
like
yours.
"
【Maya
Angelou】
在这个世界上,没有一个人的心比你的更接近我。
3.
"When
you
realize
you
want
to
spend
the
rest
of
your
life
with
somebody,
you
want
the
rest
of
your
life
to
start
as
soon
as
possible.
"
【When
Harry
Met
Sally】
当你意识到你想和某个人共度余生,你希望余生尽早开始。
4.
"Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation.
"
【Unknown】
爱不是关于占有,而是关于欣赏。
5.
"We
love
because
it's
the
only
true
adventure.
"
【Nikki
Giovanni】
我们爱,因为它是唯一真正的冒险。
6.
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
"
【Nicholas
Sparks】
最好的爱是那种唤起灵魂并让我们追求更多、在我们的心中点燃火焰并在我们的思想中带来平静的爱。
7.
"A
true
relationship
is
two
unperfect
people
refusing
to
give
up
on
each
other.
"
【Unknown】
真正的关系是两个不完美的人拒绝放弃彼此。
8.
"Love
is
a
choice
you
make
from
moment
to
moment.
"
【Barbara
De
Angelis】
爱是你从时刻到时刻做出的选择。
9.
"I
saw
that
you
were
perfect
and
so
loved
you.
Then
saw
that
you
were
not
perfect
and
loved
you
even
more.
"
【Angelita
Lim】
我看到你是完美的,所以我爱你。
然后我看到你并不完美,我更加爱你。
10.
"Love
doesn't
make
the
world
go
round,
love
is
what
makes
the
ride
worthwhile.
"
【Franklin
P.
Jones】
爱并没有让世界转动,爱是让旅程变得值得的东西。
11.
"Being
deeply
loved
by
someone
gives
you
strength,
while
loving
someone
deeply
gives
you
courage.
"
【Lao
Tzu】
被某个人深深地爱着给你力量,而深深地爱着某个人给你勇气。
12.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
【Nicholas
Sparks】
爱就像风一样,你看不到它,但你能感觉到它。
13.
"The
best
thing
to
hold
onto
in
life
is
each
other.
"
【Audrey
Hepburn】
生活中最好的东西就是彼此拥抱。
14.
"A
successful
marriage
requires
falling
in
love
many
times,
always
with
the
same
person.
"
【Mignon
McLaughlin】
成功的婚姻需要多次恋爱,总是和同一个人。
15.
"Love
is
an
untamed
force.
When
we
try
to
control
it,
it
destroys
us.
When
we
try
to
imprison
it,
it
enslaves
us.
When
we
try
to
understand
it,
it
leaves
us
feeling
lost
and
confused.
"
【Paulo
Coelho】
爱是一股不受控制的力量。
当我们试图控制它时,它会摧毁我们。
当我们试图囚禁它时,它会奴役我们。
当我们试图理解它时,它会让我们感到迷失和困惑。
16.
"Love
is
a
game
that
two
can
play
and
both
win.
"
【Eva
Gabor】
爱是一个两个人都可以玩并且两个人都能赢的游戏。
17.
"I
love
you
not
only
for
what
you
are,
but
for
what
am
when
am
with
you.
"
【Elizabeth
Barrett
Browning】
我爱你不仅是因为你是你,而是因为我和你在一起的时候我是我。
18.
"You
don't
love
someone
for
their
looks,
or
their
clothes,
or
for
their
fancy
car,
but
because
they
sing
a
song
only
you
can
hear.
"
【Oscar
Wilde】
你不爱某个人是因为他们的外貌、服装或他们豪华的汽车,而是因为他们唱出了只有你能听到的歌曲。
19.
"Love
is
being
stupid
together.
"
【Paul
Valery】
爱是彼此一起犯傻。
20.
"The
greatest
happiness
of
life
is
the
conviction
that
we
are
loved;
loved
for
ourselves,
or
rather,
loved
in
spite
of
ourselves.
"
【Victor
Hugo】
生活中最大的幸福是确信我们被爱着;爱我们自己,或者更确切地说,爱我们不足为道的地方。