.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
the
one
person
you
trust
the
most
can
betray
you
the
worst.
"
【#betrayal】
2.
"In
the
end,
we
only
regret
the
chances
we
didn't
take,
the
relationships
we
were
afraid
to
have,
and
the
decisions
we
waited
too
long
to
make.
"
【#regret】
3.
"It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
"
【#memories】
4.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
when
you
cannot
give
what
they
deserve.
"
【#love】
5.
"The
worst
feeling
in
the
world
is
knowing
you
did
the
best
you
could
and
it
still
wasn't
good
enough.
"
【#disappointment】
6.
"Sometimes
the
smallest
step
in
the
right
direction
ends
up
being
the
biggest
step
of
your
life,
tip-toe
if
you
must,
but
take
the
step.
"
【#growth】
7.
"Saying
goodbye
doesn't
mean
anything.
It's
the
time
we
spent
together
that
matters,
not
how
we
left
it.
"
【#goodbye】
8.
"You
don't
know
pain
until
you're
staring
at
yourself
in
the
mirror
with
tears
streaming
down
your
face
and
you're
begging
yourself
to
just
hold
on
and
be
strong.
"【#pain】
9.
"The
greatest
pain
ever
felt
was
losing
myself
in
the
process
of
loving
someone
too
much,
and
forgetting
that
am
special
too.
"
【#selflove】
10.
"Sometimes,
you
just
have
to
accept
the
fact
that
some
people
only
enter
your
life
as
a
temporary
happiness.
"
【#temporary】
11.
"I
hate
the
feeling
when
you
have
to
say
goodbye
to
someone
you
want
to
spend
every
minute
with.
"
【#goodbye】
12.
"When
you're
happy,
you
enjoy
the
music.
But
when
you're
sad,
you
understand
the
lyrics.
"
【#understand】
13.
"You
don't
always
need
a
plan.
Sometimes
you
just
need
to
breathe,
trust,
let
go,
and
see
what
happens.
"
【#letgo】
14.
"It's
amazing
how
someone
can
break
your
heart,
but
you
still
love
them
with
all
the
little
pieces.
"
【#heartbreak】
15.
"Sometimes
it's
better
to
be
alone,
nobody
can
hurt
you
that
way.
"
【#aloneness】
16.
"There
comes
a
time
when
you
have
to
stop
crossing
oceans
for
people
who
wouldn't
even
jump
puddles
for
you.
"
【#selfrespect】
17.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
know
which
bridge
to
cross
and
which
to
burn.
"
【#decisions】
18.
"We're
all
just
lost
souls
swimming
in
a
fishbowl
year
after
year.
"
【#lost】
19.
"We
can't
escape
the
memories
that
haunt
us.
"
【#memories】
20.
"The
only
thing
you
can
do
when
someone
you
love
betrays
you,
is
to
forgive
them
and
move
on.
"
【#forgive
and
move
on】