1.
"Sometimes,
love
is
like
a
game
of
chance
where
there
are
no
do-overs.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
2.
"Once
you've
lost
the
love
of
your
life,
there's
no
going
back
to
fix
your
mistakes.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
3.
"Love
is
a
beautiful
but
fragile
emotion
that
can
be
shattered
without
warning.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
4.
"It's
impossible
to
rewind
time
and
fix
the
things
we've
said
or
done
in
love.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
5.
"The
pain
of
lost
love
can
linger
forever,
reminding
us
that
we
were
once
so
close,
yet
so
far.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
6.
"Love
is
the
one
thing
in
life
that
we
cannot
control,
and
once
it's
gone,
it
cannot
be
regained.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
7.
"We
may
wish
to
turn
back
time
and
relive
the
moments
we
shared
with
our
loved
ones,
but
it's
impossible.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
8.
"Regrets
are
useless
in
love,
as
they
cannot
bring
back
what
we
have
lost.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
9.
"Love
is
a
risk
that
we
take,
knowing
that
we
may
be
hurt
in
the
end.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
10.
"The
pain
of
losing
love
is
real
and
can
be
overwhelming,
leaving
us
with
a
void
that
nothing
else
can
fill.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
11.
"Love
is
like
a
precious
gem,
once
it's
gone,
it's
gone
forever.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
12.
"The
heartbreak
of
lost
love
can
leave
scars
that
may
never
fully
heal.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
13.
"Love
is
a
journey
that
can
lead
us
to
the
greatest
happiness
or
the
greatest
sorrow.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
14.
"We
cannot
turn
back
time
and
change
the
past,
but
we
can
choose
to
learn
from
our
mistakes
and
grow
from
them.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
15.
"Love
is
a
powerful
force
that
can
bring
us
to
the
highest
highs
and
the
lowest
lows.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
16.
"No
matter
how
hard
we
try,
some
things
in
love
are
simply
beyond
our
control.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
17.
"We
may
regret
the
things
we've
said
or
done
in
love,
but
we
cannot
undo
them.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
18.
"Love
is
a
precious,
but
delicate
gift
that
must
be
cherished
and
nurtured
to
survive.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
19.
"Lost
love
may
leave
us
feeling
broken
and
defeated,
but
we
must
remember
that
we
are
still
capable
of
loving
again.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】
20.
"Once
we've
lost
the
person
we
love,
we
may
never
find
another
like
them,
leaving
us
with
a
longing
that
may
never
be
fulfilled.
"
【无法重来爱情句子】