.jpg)
1.
"Love
shouldn't
be
the
reason
for
family
conflict,
but
sometimes
it's
the
only
thing
that
can
heal
it.
"
【爱不应该成为家庭冲突的原因,但有时它是唯一可以愈合的事物。
】
2.
"Just
because
your
family
doesn't
approve
of
your
love,
doesn't
mean
it's
not
worth
fighting
for.
"
【只因家人不支持你的爱,不代表它不值得你为之而战。
】
3.
"When
there's
too
much
tension
between
family
and
love,
sometimes
you
need
to
choose
which
one
to
prioritize.
"
【当家庭和爱情之间的压力太大时,有时你需要选择优先考虑哪一个。
】
4.
"Love
can
bring
two
families
together,
or
it
can
tear
them
apart.
"
【爱可以将两个家庭联系在一起,也可以将它们撕裂开来。
】
5.
"It's
hard
when
the
people
you
love
don't
get
along
with
each
other,
but
it's
even
harder
when
they
expect
you
to
choose
between
them.
"
【当你爱的人彼此不和谐,很难受,但当他们希望你在他们之间做出选择时,更加让人无法接受。
】
6.
"Family
should
support
your
love,
not
tear
it
down.
"
【家庭应该支持你的爱情,而不是摧毁它。
】
7.
"Love
is
worth
fighting
for,
but
not
at
the
expense
of
your
family.
"
【爱情值得为之奋斗,但不能以家庭为代价。
】
8.
"Sometimes
love
can
fix
family
issues,
and
sometimes
it
only
makes
them
worse.
"
【有时爱可以解决家庭问题,有时它只会使事情变得更糟。
】
9.
"When
you're
caught
between
family
loyalty
and
true
love,
it's
a
difficult
decision
to
make.
"
【当你被家族忠诚和真挚的爱情之间夹在中间时,做出决定非常困难。
】
10.
"Love
can
be
the
glue
that
holds
a
family
together,
but
it
can
also
be
the
wedge
that
drives
them
apart.
"
【爱可以成为将家庭紧密联系在一起的胶水,但也可以成为将他们分散的楔子。
】
11.
"When
your
family
and
love
collide,
you
have
to
make
sure
neither
of
them
gets
hurt.
"
【当你的家庭和爱情相冲突时,你必须确保它们都不会受到伤害。
】
12.
"The
love
between
two
people
can
be
so
strong,
it
can
heal
the
wounds
of
an
entire
family.
"
【两个人之间的爱可以如此深刻,它可以愈合整个家庭的伤口。
】
13.
"Respect
and
understanding
are
essential
for
a
family
to
accept
your
love.
"
【尊重和理解对于家庭接受你的爱情是至关重要的。
】
14.
"It's
not
easy
to
love
someone
when
their
family
doesn't
love
you
back.
"
【当一个人的家人不回应你的爱时,爱她就不容易。
】
15.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
to
make
peace
between
family
and
love
is
to
let
them
coexist.
"
【有时在家庭与爱情之间实现和平的唯一方法是让它们一起共存。
】
16.
"Family
can
be
complicated,
but
so
can
love.
The
two
together
can
be
a
beautiful
mess.
"
【家庭可能很复杂,但爱情也是如此。
两者结合起来可以产生美妙的混乱。
】
17.
"When
you
love
someone,
you
have
to
be
willing
to
fight
for
their
place
in
your
family.
"
【当你爱一个人时,你必须愿意为他们在你的家庭中争取一个位置。
】
18.
"No
matter
how
much
your
family
disapproves,
you
have
to
follow
your
heart
when
it
comes
to
love.
"
【无论你的家庭是如何反对,当涉及到爱情时,你必须跟随自己的内心。
】
19.
"Love
may
not
always
solve
family
conflicts,
but
it
can
bring
comfort
and
support.
"
【爱情可能并不总能解决家庭冲突,但它可以带来安慰和支持。
】
20.
"Sometimes
the
greatest
love
stories
are
the
ones
that
overcome
the
biggest
family
obstacles.
"
【有时最伟大的爱情故事是克服最大的家庭障碍的故事。
】