.jpg)
1.
Why
do
we
park
in
a
driveway
and
drive
on
a
parkway?【#EnglishLanguageQuirks】
2.
before
except
after
C,
unless
it's
weird
like
neighbor
or
foreign.
【#ConfusingEnglishRules】
3.
If
we
say
"heads
up,"
why
don't
we
say
"tails
down"?【#StrangeExpressions】
4.
English
is
so
weird,
the
plural
of
tooth
is
teeth,
but
the
plural
of
booth
is
booths.
【#IrregularPlurals】
5.
If
you
write
a
word
wrong,
you
get
a
red
line
under
it.
If
you
write
it
right,
there's
no
line.
English,
what
are
you
trying
to
do
to
me?【#SpellcheckConfusion】
6.
"I'm
sorry"
and
"I
apologize"
mean
the
same
thing,
except
at
a
funeral.
【#EnglishHumor】
7.
How
come
fat
chance
and
slim
chance
mean
the
same
thing?【#ConfusingLanguage】
8.
English
is
the
only
language
where
"read"
and
"read"
have
different
pronunciations,
but
"lead"
and
"lead"
have
the
same
pronunciation.
【#EnglishPronunciationProblems】
9.
Why
is
it
called
a
building
if
it's
already
built?【#StupidEnglishLanguageQuestions】
10.
We
can
drink
a
drink,
but
we
can't
food
a
food.
【#SillyEnglishLanguageObservations】
11.
If
you're
cross-eyed
and
have
dyslexia,
can
you
see
okay?
【#EnglishLanguageParadoxes】
12.
Let's
face
it,
English
is
a
weird
language.
But
it's
also
the
most
commonly
spoken
language
in
the
world.
【#WeirdButPopularLanguage】
13.
Why
do
we
say
"drive
on
a
parkway"
and
"park
in
a
driveway"?
Is
it
just
to
confuse
us?
【#ConfusingEnglishPhrases】
14.
English
grammar
is
harder
than
trying
to
climb
a
greased
pole.
【#DifficultGrammarRules】
15.
If
vegetarians
eat
vegetables,
what
do
humanitarians
eat?
【#SillyEnglishWordplay】
16.
You
can't
have
a
wise
crack
without
a
wise.
【#RidiculousEnglishPuns】
17.
"Buffalo
buffalo
Buffalo
buffalo
buffalo
buffalo
Buffalo
buffalo"
is
a
grammatically
correct
sentence.
English,
you
crazy!
【#WeirdEnglishGrammar】
18.
If
there's
no
plural
for
"moose,"
then
why
is
there
a
plural
for
"mongoose"?【#CuriousPlurals】
19.
Why
is
"abbreviation"
such
a
long
word?
【#IronyInEnglishLanguage】
20.
The
fact
that
"abbreviation"
is
so
long
is
a
perfect
example
of
the
ridiculousness
of
the
English
language.
【#LanguageLoopholes】