.jpg)
1.
"I
have
a
photographic
memory,
but
always
forget
to
bring
the
film.
"
【笑话】
2.
"I
have
a
fear
of
speed
bumps.
call
them
"sleeping
policemen".
"
【诙谐】
3.
"I
always
wanted
to
be
somebody,
but
now
realize
should
have
been
more
specific.
"
【幽默】
4.
"I
told
my
wife
she
was
drawing
her
eyebrows
too
high.
She
looked
surprised.
"
【双关语】
5.
"I
refused
to
believe
my
road
worker
father
was
stealing
from
his
job,
but
when
got
home
all
the
signs
were
there.
"
【俏皮话】
6.
"I'm
not
arguing.
I'm
just
explaining
why
I'm
right.
"
【讽刺】
7.
"I'm
not
saying
I'm
Batman,
but
have
you
ever
seen
me
and
Batman
in
the
same
room?"
【自夸】
8.
"I'm
not
lazy,
I'm
just
on
energy-saving
mode.
"
【搞笑自黑】
9.
"I
finally
got
eight
hours
of
sleep.
It
took
me
three
days,
but
whatever.
"
【自嘲】
10.
"If
at
first
you
don't
succeed,
skydiving
is
not
for
you.
"
【讥讽】
11.
"I
started
out
with
nothing,
and
still
have
most
of
it.
"
【调侃】
12.
"The
journey
of
a
thousand
miles
begins
with
a
broken
fan
belt
and
a
leaky
tire.
"
【巧妙打趣】
13.
"I'm
trying
to
see
things
from
your
point
of
view,
but
can't
get
my
head
that
far
up
my
butt.
"
【讥笑】
14.
"I'm
not
great
at
the
advice.
Can
interest
you
in
a
sarcastic
comment?"
【反差萌】
15.
"I'm
not
sure
if
I'm
depressed
or
just
seriously
allergic
to
mornings.
"
【悲喜交加】
16.
"I
don't
know
what
my
spirit
animal
is,
but
I'm
pretty
sure
it
has
a
beer
in
its
hand.
"
【憨笑】
17.
"I
thought
was
indecisive,
but
now
I'm
not
so
sure.
"
【反讽】
18.
"I'm
not
arguing,
I'm
just
passionately
expressing
my
disagreement
with
you.
"
【戏谑】
19.
"I'm
not
short,
I'm
just
concentrated
awesome.
"
【自我肯定】
20.
"I
told
my
wife
she
was
getting
too
old
to
travel.
She
laughed,
and
then
we
both
laughed
because
we
know
can't
afford
to
travel
anyway.
"
【吐槽自嘲】