.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
a
double-edged
sword,
it
has
the
power
to
heal
or
to
hurt.
"
【爱情是一把双刃剑,它有治愈或伤害的力量。
】
2.
"Family
may
be
blood,
but
loyalty
is
a
choice.
"
【家庭可能是血缘,但忠诚是一种选择。
】
3.
"Betrayal
is
a
bitter
pill
to
swallow,
especially
when
it
comes
from
the
ones
we
love.
"
【背叛让人难以承受,特别是来自我们所爱的人。
】
4.
"The
ones
who
love
us
most
are
sometimes
the
ones
who
hurt
us
the
most.
"
【最爱我们的人有时候也是伤害我们最深的人。
】
5.
"Loyalty
is
a
rare
commodity
in
a
world
where
love
and
trust
are
easily
broken.
"
【在一个爱与信任容易破裂的世界中,忠诚是一种稀有的货物。
】
6.
"The
pain
of
betrayal
is
deeper
when
it
comes
from
those
closest
to
us.
"
【当背叛来自我们最亲密的人时,痛苦是更深的。
】
7.
"Betrayal
is
an
act
of
cowardice,
for
it
takes
courage
to
stand
by
those
we
love.
"
【背叛是懦弱的行为,因为站在我们所爱的人身边需要勇气。
】
8.
"Blood
may
be
thicker
than
water,
but
loyalty
is
thicker
than
both.
"
【血脉也许比水更浓,但忠诚比两者都要浓。
】
9.
"Love
may
blind
us,
but
betrayal
opens
our
eyes
to
the
truth.
"
【爱可能会让我们盲目,但背叛会让我们看清真相。
】
10.
"Sometimes
the
ones
who
hurt
us
the
most
are
the
ones
we
never
expected
to.
"
【有时候伤害我们最深的人是我们意想不到的人。
】
11.
"It
takes
strength
to
forgive
those
who
have
betrayed
us,
but
it
takes
even
more
to
trust
them
again.
"
【原谅那些背叛我们的人需要勇气,但再信任他们需要更多。
】
12.
"The
love
and
trust
we
give
is
precious,
and
it
should
not
be
given
freely
to
those
who
do
not
deserve
it.
"
【我们给予的爱和信任是珍贵的,不应该随便给那些不值得的人。
】
13.
"Betrayal
may
break
our
heart,
but
it
cannot
break
our
spirit.
"
【背叛可能会伤透我们的心,但它无法摧毁我们的精神。
】
14.
"The
ones
who
betray
us
are
the
ones
who
should
feel
ashamed,
not
us.
"
【背叛我们的人应该感到羞耻,而不是我们。
】
15.
"It
is
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
have
never
loved
at
all,
but
it
is
harder
to
trust
again
after
being
betrayed.
"
【比起从未爱过,有过爱却失去了更好,但被背叛后再次信任更难。
】
16.
"The
bond
of
family
and
the
bond
of
love
can
both
be
broken,
but
the
bond
of
loyalty
is
unbreakable.
"
【家庭的纽带和爱的纽带都可以被打破,而忠诚的纽带是不可打破的。
】
17.
"Love
and
loyalty
should
go
hand
in
hand,
for
one
without
the
other
is
incomplete.
"
【爱和忠诚应该相辅相成,缺一不可。
】
18.
"Betrayal
is
a
wound
that
may
never
fully
heal,
but
forgiveness
can
bring
us
closer
to
closure.
"
【背叛是一个可能永远无法完全愈合的伤口,但宽恕可以让我们更接近封闭。
】
19.
"The
ones
who
truly
love
us
will
never
intentionally
hurt
us.
"
【真正爱我们的人永远不会有意伤害我们。
】
20.
"Betrayal
is
a
test
of
our
strength
and
our
character,
for
it
forces
us
to
choose
between
revenge
and
forgiveness.
"
【背叛是我们力量和品格的考验,因为它迫使我们在复仇和宽恕之间做出选择。
】