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1.
生活就像一本书,你需要自己翻开才能看到故事【Life
is
like
a
book,
you
have
to
open
it
to
see
the
story.
】
2.
生活就像一张白纸,你可以用各种颜色填满它【Life
is
like
a
blank
paper,
you
can
fill
it
with
any
color
you
want.
】
3.
生活就像一条河流,有时它平静如镜,有时它波涛汹涌【Life
is
like
a
river,
sometimes
it
flows
gently,
sometimes
it's
full
of
waves.
】
4.
生活就像一次旅行,你需要学会欣赏美景,也需要克服艰难险阻【Life
is
like
a
journey,
you
need
to
learn
to
appreciate
the
beautiful
scenery,
and
also
overcome
difficulties.
】
5.
生活就像一颗种子,你需要用心照料它,才能看到它的成长【Life
is
like
a
seed,
you
need
to
take
good
care
of
it
in
order
to
see
it
grow.
】
6.
生活就像一个梦境,有时你会失落、惊喜、悲伤,但最后你总会醒来【Life
is
like
a
dream,
sometimes
you
may
feel
lost,
surprised,
or
sad,
but
in
the
end,
you'll
always
wake
up.
】
7.
生活就像一扇门,你需要推开它,才能探索新的世界【Life
is
like
a
door,
you
need
to
open
it
to
explore
new
worlds.
】
8.
生活就像一朵花,你需要给它阳光和水分,才能看到它的美丽【Life
is
like
a
flower,
you
need
to
give
it
sunshine
and
water
in
order
to
see
its
beauty.
】
9.
生活就像一个拼图,你需要把每个碎片拼合在一起,才能看到完整的画面【Life
is
like
a
puzzle,
you
need
to
put
every
piece
together
in
order
to
see
the
full
picture.
】
10.
生活就像一场雨,有时它带来清新,有时它带来阴霾【Life
is
like
a
rain,
sometimes
it
brings
freshness,
sometimes
it
brings
gloom.
】
11.
生活就像一双鞋子,你需要穿它走遍世界,才能看到不同的风景【Life
is
like
a
pair
of
shoes,
you
need
to
walk
in
them
to
see
different
sceneries.
】
12.
生活就像一首歌,你需要听完它的旋律和歌词,才能感受到它的美妙【Life
is
like
a
song,
you
need
to
listen
to
its
melody
and
lyrics
in
order
to
feel
its
beauty.
】
13.
生活就像一场比赛,你需要拼尽全力,才能赢得胜利【Life
is
like
a
game,
you
need
to
give
your
all
in
order
to
win.
】
14.
生活就像一个宝盒,里面有无限可能和惊喜,只要你愿意去发掘【Life
is
like
a
treasure
box,
it
contains
infinite
possibilities
and
surprises,
as
long
as
you're
willing
to
explore.
】
15.
生活就像一个镜子,你会看到自己的脸庞和内心,也会看到别人的影像【Life
is
like
a
mirror,
you
see
both
your
face
and
your
soul,
as
well
as
the
reflections
of
others.
】
16.
生活就像一条路,有时你会迷失方向,但只要你坚持走下去,你就会找到前进的方向【Life
is
like
a
road,
sometimes
you
may
get
lost,
but
as
long
as
you
keep
moving,
you'll
find
your
way.
】
17.
生活就像一颗糖果,你需要先脱掉包装纸,才能品尝到它的甜美【Life
is
like
a
candy,
you
need
to
unwrap
it
first
in
order
to
taste
its
sweetness.
】
18.
生活就像一面墙,你可以用不同的颜色去刷它,让它变得更加美丽【Life
is
like
a
wall,
you
can
paint
it
with
different
colors
to
make
it
more
beautiful.
】
19.
生活就像一个海洋,你可以在其中尽情畅游,也可以在其中沉溺和迷失【Life
is
like
an
ocean,
you
can
swim
freely
in
it,
but
also
get
lost
and
drowned
in
it.
】
20.
生活就像一盏灯,有时它会燃烧殆尽,有时它会照耀周围的一切【Life
is
like
a
lamp,
sometimes
it
burns
out,
sometimes
it
illuminates
everything
around
it.
】