.jpg)
1.
"In
the
depth
of
my
loneliness,
found
the
most
profound
connection
with
myself.
"
【自我陪伴才是最长情的相伴】
2.
"The
world
can
be
beautiful
and
terrible
at
the
same
time.
It's
just
a
matter
of
perspective.
"
【看清世界,看透人生】
3.
"Emotions
are
like
waves,
they
come
and
go.
Remember
to
breathe
through
them.
"
【情绪如潮水,心平气和度过】
4.
"Life
is
full
of
disappointments,
but
it's
also
full
of
opportunities
for
growth.
"
【生活里总会遇到不顺,但其中也有成长的机会】
5.
"Sometimes
the
hardest
part
of
letting
go
is
accepting
that
it's
time
to
move
on.
"
【放手的难处在于接受放下的事实】
6.
"Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
"
【痛苦是必然的,但苦难是可以避免的】
7.
"The
only
person
you're
truly
competing
with
is
yourself.
Be
better
than
you
were
yesterday.
"
【唯一能与你一争高下的人,是昨天的你。
让自己比昨天更好】
8.
"It's
okay
to
not
be
okay.
It's
okay
to
ask
for
help.
"
【不好也不要紧,有求必应也不为错】
9.
"The
biggest
battles
we
fight
are
the
ones
within
ourselves.
"
【最大的战斗是与自己的战斗】
10.
"Don't
underestimate
the
power
of
self-love.
It
can
heal
even
the
deepest
wounds.
"
【爱自己的力量毋庸置疑,它能愈合最深的伤口】
11.
"Happiness
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
"
【快乐是一段旅程,而非一个目标】
12.
"When
life
gives
you
lemons,
make
lemonade.
"
【人生遇到酸楚,就得酸甜自适应】
13.
"The
strongest
people
aren't
the
ones
who
never
fall,
but
the
ones
who
get
back
up
every
time.
"
【强大的人不是从未跌倒,而是每次都坚强地站起来】
14.
"We
can't
control
what
happens
to
us,
but
we
can
control
how
we
react
to
it.
"
【我们无法掌控命运,但可以掌控自己的反应】
15.
"The
only
limits
in
life
are
the
ones
we
set
for
ourselves.
"
【生命中唯一的限制是自己设定的限制】
16.
"Sometimes
it
takes
hitting
rock
bottom
to
realize
that
the
only
way
is
up.
"
【有时候触底反弹,才能看到通往上方的路途】
17.
"We
are
all
perfectly
imperfect.
"
【我们都是天生的不完美】
18.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
yourself
is
forgiveness.
"
【能够原谅自己,给自己最好的礼物】
19.
"Be
gentle
with
yourself,
you're
doing
the
best
you
can.
"
【对自己温柔一点,你不断尽力了】
20.
"Life
is
tough,
but
so
are
you.
"
【人生很艰难,但你也同样坚强】