1.
"I
spent
most
of
my
summer
days
pretending
to
be
a
mermaid
in
my
backyard
pool.
"
【笑崩】
2.
"I
ate
so
much
ice
cream
that
think
turned
into
a
human-sized
popsicle.
"
【哈哈】
3.
"I
tried
to
teach
my
dog
how
to
play
video
games,
but
he
ended
up
just
napping
on
the
controller.
"
【太可爱了】
4.
"My
idea
of
a
productive
day
was
binge-watching
an
entire
season
of
my
favorite
show.
"
【憨笑】
5.
"I
attempted
to
learn
how
to
cook
and
ended
up
setting
off
the
smoke
alarm
five
times.
"
【尴尬】
6.
"I
spent
my
afternoons
building
elaborate
sandcastles
on
the
beach
and
then
pretending
to
be
a
dragon
who
destroyed
them.
"
【童心未泯】
7.
"I
went
on
a
camping
trip
and
forgot
to
pack
a
tent.
So,
ended
up
sleeping
in
a
makeshift
hammock.
"
【无语】
8.
"I
convinced
my
little
brother
that
he
could
catch
fish
with
a
piece
of
cheese
tied
to
a
string.
He
ended
up
catching
nothing
but
seaweed.
"
【捧腹大笑】
9.
"I
thought
it
would
be
a
good
idea
to
start
a
garden,
but
forgot
to
water
it
and
everything
died.
"
【傻乎乎】
10.
"I
spent
a
week
at
a
sleepaway
camp
and
came
back
with
more
mosquito
bites
than
could
count.
"
【苦笑】
11.
"I
went
on
a
road
trip
with
my
family
and
ended
up
sitting
in
the
middle
seat
next
to
my
cousin
who
kept
accidentally
drooling
on
me.
"
【无奈】
12.
"I
took
a
dance
class
and
ended
up
tripping
over
my
own
feet
in
front
of
everyone.
"
【尴尬】
13.
"I
spent
an
entire
day
making
a
paper
mache
piñata
only
to
realize
had
nowhere
to
hang
it.
"
【大失所望】
14.
"I
tried
to
make
a
smoothie
and
ended
up
blending
my
phone
instead
of
the
fruit.
"
【惊呆】
15.
"I
decided
to
learn
how
to
skateboard
and
ended
up
with
a
sprained
ankle.
"
【摔跤】
16.
"I
went
on
a
date
with
someone
who
turned
out
to
be
a
magician
and
spent
the
entire
night
pulling
cards
out
of
his
sleeve.
"
【深夜笑声】
17.
"I
tried
to
learn
how
to
juggle
and
ended
up
throwing
balls
at
my
own
face.
"
【太蠢了】
18.
"I
decided
to
dye
my
hair
pink
and
ended
up
with
a
neon
orange
disaster.
"
【血泪教训】
19.
"I
went
to
a
theme
park
and
ended
up
getting
stuck
on
a
rollercoaster
for
thirty
minutes.
"
【恐怖经历】
20.
"I
decided
to
try
meditation
and
ended
up
falling
asleep
and
snoring
in
the
middle
of
class.
"
【尴尬万分】