1.
In
these
difficult
times,
it's
important
to
approach
the
situation
with
tenderness
and
understanding.
【疫情让人倍感艰难,我们需要以温柔和理解的态度应对。
】
2.
Even
in
the
midst
of
chaos,
kindness
and
compassion
can
be
found.
【即使在混乱的时期,我们仍然能够发现温暖和怜悯之情。
】
3.
Rather
than
focusing
on
fear,
let's
focus
on
spreading
love
and
hope.
【不要让恐惧占据我们的心灵,让我们专注于传递爱与希望。
】
4.
It's
easy
to
feel
overwhelmed,
but
remember,
we
are
all
in
this
together.
【感到不知所措很正常,但我们要记得,我们不是孤独的。
】
5.
As
we
adjust
to
this
new
reality,
let's
do
so
with
gentleness
and
grace.
【我们正在适应这个新的现实,让我们以温柔和优雅的方式来调整。
】
6.
The
situation
may
be
tough,
but
our
spirits
need
not
be.
【情况可能很艰难,但我们的精神不应该倒下。
】
7.
This
is
a
time
to
show
our
humanity
and
show
that
we
care
for
one
another.
【现在是展现人性和互相关心的时候。
】
8.
Let's
spread
love
and
positivity
as
much
as
the
virus
is
spreading.
【让我们尽可能地传递爱和积极性,就像病毒一样。
】
9.
In
the
face
of
adversity,
kindness
is
a
superpower.
【在逆境中,善良是一种超能力。
】
10.
We
may
be
physically
apart,
but
our
hearts
can
still
be
connected.
【我们可能身处不同的地方,但我们的心仍然可以连接在一起。
】
11.
Let's
not
forget
the
small
acts
of
kindness
that
can
have
a
big
impact.
【不要忘记那些能产生巨大影响的小小善举。
】
12.
little
bit
of
warmth
can
go
a
long
way
in
these
dark
times.
【在这个黑暗的时期,温暖会带着我们走得更远。
】
13.
It's
okay
to
not
have
all
the
answers,
but
it's
important
to
approach
things
with
empathy.
【不知道答案很正常,但以共感的心态去看待事情是非常重要的。
】
14.
Let's
come
together,
even
if
it's
just
through
a
virtual
hug
or
a
kind
word.
【即使只是通过虚拟拥抱或温柔的话语,我们也能聚在一起。
】
15.
We
are
all
navigating
uncharted
waters,
so
let's
do
so
with
kindness
and
patience.
【我们都在航行在未知的水域中,让我们以善良和耐心来应对。
】
16.
It's
a
time
to
slow
down
and
appreciate
the
little
things,
like
a
phone
call
with
a
loved
one.
【现在是放慢脚步,欣赏小事物的时候,比如与亲人的电话沟通。
】
17.
We
may
not
know
what
the
future
holds,
but
we
can
hold
onto
each
other
with
kindness
and
love.
【我们可能不知道未来会发生什么,但我们可以用善良和爱彼此陪伴。
】
18.
In
times
of
crisis,
let's
lean
into
kindness
instead
of
fear.
【在危急时期,让我们以善良来面对它,而不是恐惧。
】
19.
The
world
may
seem
scary
right
now,
but
we
can
choose
to
see
the
beauty
and
goodness
that
still
exists.
【现在的世界可能让人感到惊恐不安,但我们可以选择看到依然存在的美好和善良。
】
20.
We
may
be
physically
distanced,
but
we
can
still
be
emotionally
close
through
acts
of
kindness
and
love.
【即使我们身处远离的地方,但我们仍然可以通过善良和爱的行动来保持情感上的亲近。
】