.jpg)
1.
"Spread
love
everywhere
you
go.
Let
no
one
ever
come
to
you
without
leaving
happier.
"
-Mother
Teresa
【温柔的爱,传递快乐】
2.
"The
best
portion
of
a
good
man's
life:
his
little,
nameless
unremembered
acts
of
kindness
and
love.
"
-William
Wordsworth
【温柔的爱,化作一份份小小的善举】
3.
"Kindness
is
the
sunshine
in
which
virtue
grows.
"
-Robert
Green
Ingersoll
【温柔的爱,滋养美德之花】
4.
"A
warm
smile
is
the
universal
language
of
kindness.
"
-William
Arthur
Ward
【温柔的爱,用微笑传递】
5.
"Be
the
reason
someone
smiles
today.
"
【温柔的爱,成为别人微笑的缘由】
6.
"Love
and
kindness
are
never
wasted.
They
always
make
a
difference.
"
-Barbara
De
Angelis
【温柔的爱,永远不是徒劳无功】
7.
"The
fragrance
always
remains
in
the
hand
that
gives
the
rose.
"
-Heda
Bejar
【温柔的爱,献出一朵玫瑰,收获一份芳香】
8.
"There
is
no
charm
equal
to
tenderness
of
heart.
"
-Jane
Austen
【温柔的爱,令人心醉神迷】
9.
"The
most
important
thing
in
the
world
is
family
and
love.
"
-John
Wooden
【温柔的爱,家庭和爱情最无价】
10.
"Love
is
not
just
something
you
feel.
It
is
something
you
do.
"
-David
Wilkerson
【温柔的爱,付诸行动,不只是感受】
11.
"Kind
words
can
be
short
and
easy
to
speak,
but
their
echoes
are
truly
endless.
"
-Mother
Teresa
【温柔的爱,一句短暂的温馨话,铭刻永恒】
12.
"Where
there
is
love
there
is
life.
"
-Mahatma
Gandhi
【温柔的爱,如同生命般弥漫】
13.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
time,
your
attention,
your
love,
and
your
concern.
"
-Joel
Osteen
【温柔的爱,用时间、关注、关爱将温暖送到别人心房】
14.
"When
we
give
cheerfully
and
accept
gratefully,
everyone
is
blessed.
"
-Maya
Angelou
【温柔的爱,和喜悦一起付出,和感激一起收获】
15.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
-Nicholas
Sparks
【温柔的爱,如同风一般轻轻触动人心】
16.
"A
kind
heart
is
a
fountain
of
gladness,
making
everything
in
its
vicinity
freshen
into
smiles.
"
-Washington
Irving
【温柔的爱,像欢乐之泉,让周围的一切沐浴清新】
17.
"Spread
love
wherever
you
go.
Let
no
one
ever
come
to
you
without
leaving
happier.
"
-Mother
Teresa
【温柔的爱,传递绵延不绝的快乐】
18.
"When
words
are
both
true
and
kind,
they
can
change
the
world.
"
-Buddha
【温柔的爱,伸出真诚而温柔的双手,改变世界】
19.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
"
-Michael
Novak
【温柔的爱,不仅仅是幸福的感觉,还是一份愿意付出的牺牲精神】
20.
"The
simplest
acts
of
kindness
are
by
far
more
powerful
than
a
thousand
heads
bowing
in
prayer.
"
-Mahatma
Gandhi
【温柔的爱,微小的善举,胜于千人祈福】